When I finally realized earlier this year that shabby style does not have to be all pinks and roses I slowly began to change things up in my nest. While most of the pink went away quick, just keeping a few hints of it here and there, some of the roses lingered...
This is one of the last disappearing roses. It has made it's way to my booth. I moved the mirror over the chair and made a new vignette on the cabinet...
I think the mirror looks like a picture that has a changing scene...
Guess I will have to keep things picked up and clean then!
I am not crazy about the chair fabric anymore but with the rose print gone it seems more neutral to me somehow. I like how the flow into the den is smoother now too...
I decided to use my Mom's portrait with a vintage mirror I recently picked up to make the new vignette...
The green in her sweater picks up the subtle green in the chair. I also think it looks good when you walk in the front door and compliments the colors in my Ballard print...
I am hoping to find something to fill in the space just above (and hopefully to hide the existing nail holes!). I brought this window home from the shop today...
Jim came in just in time ~ what do you think...
I like using old windows and thought that the natural, weathered wood of this one would break up the white and add some interest.
However...I might just find the perfect treasure in Brimfield tomorrow!
I am joining Kathleen at Faded Charm a day early for her 99th White Wednesday! She is having a celebration next week which includes a giveaway...

How exciting!!
Thank you for stopping by!
I love the old window, I think it looks fantastic where you have your hubby holding it. I had to laugh about your "existing nailholes" comment. I had so much stuff hung up just to hide nail holes, filling them in was sooooo much fun!
I think the mirror looks very pretty over your chair:) It looks like a lovely little reading spot!
I like the window...something about the darker panes against the white just looks good! beautiful room!!!
Your re-arranging looks wonderful Sandi! What a beautiful portrait of your Mother. I like the window over the dresser (what a cooperative hubby), but am also sure you would find something equally awesome at Brimfield.
I'm so sad not to make it there this week (childcare coverage just didn't work out), but maybe in July!
Have a great time and take lots of pics!
- Susan
It is looking really good. It's amazing what removing the florals did for the room (althought I loved that too). The mirror looks great and I love that it adds interest and extra light to the room. Great old window- I love them! xxoo Diana
It looks beautiful Sandi! I love the mirror, the frames is so pretty and I like what you said about a mirror being a changing picture, that is such a great way to look at it. :)
The photo of your mom and vignette is beautiful as well and I love that window! You must be like me, I hid all the nail holes instead of patching them up! :)
I like your changes! That would be a great place for your window. There are so many things you can do with those. I'd be just nuts right now if I knew I could go to Brimfield! Have a FABULOUS time!
I think everything look lovely ~ I absolutely love the vignette with your mother's portrait. So endearing and pretty to look at. LOVE It~! ;-)
Not a lot of pink around here either, but those roses are gorgeous. Love the new mirror, though. xoxo Debra
i'm loving your "new" shabby chic look. i too used to have tons of roses everywhere....now i love chippy whites and casual neutrals. funny how our styles change over time. have fun in brimfield tomorrow! can't wait to see what you come back with! :)
I don't know if I could go that far..that is a beauty! Everything is looking just beautiful!
Hi Sandi! That window looks great there! It grounds the space and adds some depth. Love the idea of the mirror being a changing picture. ♥ My roses and pinks have quickly disappeared over the years, too. I'm into neutrals - grays, creamy whites, dark brown - with just a touch of faded red and pale aqua. Keep waving your magic wand, girl! It's looking fabulous! :)
xoxo laurie
This looks so lovely, Sandi...your mother's portrait makes it so charming and personal!
You are so right that Shabby and Chic do not need to be pink right? I love that window!
I like the window above that cabinet. You're right, the dark frame is a nice contrast to the white.
Your mother's portrait is beautiful - lovely lady. I like layering things like you have them.
Have fun At Brimfield you lucky girl!
I love to use mirrors, I think you get double the bang for the buck that way. The mirror itself and whatever is reflected.
It is so much fun to make simple changes and get such great impact. great job...
Love the little old window, looks perfect where Jim's holding it! What a neat portrait of your mom:)
Lovely home Sandi! LOVE that white mirror. I have a thing for mirrors. If someone saw my house they would think I like looking at myself a lot! lol
That window looks great there too!! Just perfect.
A more subdued rose pattern I like it!
I love old windows too and your mirror looks wonderful! The photo of your mother is beautiful! Thanks for sharing and enjoy your day.
I agree, love the room before and after but the chair really pops with the white mirror- nice!
Your space looks wonderful....and I too am purging some of the pink going for a smoother, cleaner look.....it just seems to let my mind rest a while.....
I like your chair a lot. The muted colors in it make it almost neutral (in my humble opinion) and I like the addition of the wood window too. Happy WW and I am so jealous you are going to Brimfield. xo
Enjoyed the stroll through your home Sandi! Everything's lovely. I hope you had fun at Brimfield today and scored some wonderful treasures. Wish I could go but have to work most of the week. :( Hopefully in July... I'll keep my fingers crossed.
Blessings & Hugs,
Before you judge your
chair too harshly, be
sure to rent The Holiday,
one of my most favorite
movies! For some reason,
this chair made me think
of the wee cottage in
England. Love it!
xx Suzanne
The old window looks perfect above your vignette and I especially like the photo of your mom - fabulous!
Hope you're having a lovely week :O)
Your home looks lovely-I like what you've done with the viginettes!
I like the whole new look. And if you don't like the chair fabric, slipcover it we now you can handle that. I wish I were going to Brimfield but I'll just wait to see what you got ...
You're right...the chair looks more neutral w/o the roses pic. I love the old window and the vintage mirror next to your Mom's portrait. It's all gorgeous! Late on WW posts, blogger giving me problems!
Have a great weekend Sandi!
The mirror does look like a picture, and a lovely one! That portrait of your mom is gorgeous. You are so lucky to have a sentimental treasure like that!
your home is looking very pretty and very shabby chic indeed!
lovely blog by the way!
that old window is just the ticket.I love them also...I use them to frame my paintings and sometimes I paint a scene so it looks like looking out a window,,your mum's portrait is lovely,,
lovin' your nest!
The window looks great with the aged look of the wood. Your new vignette is perfect.
So pretty.
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