Friday, June 1, 2012

happy june...

Remember the wonderful old tin piece that I found when I went treasure hunting with my girlfriends...

I sold the fruit picker and the bed! 

It never made it to the shop ~ I put it in the den...

I put my cute little book bundle on the shelf with it...

I think a tattered bundle or two might look good on the other end.
I love it...

I am joining these lovely ladies today...


Thank you ladies!

It looks like a rainy Saturday this weekend.
What is a camper to do in the rain ~ go shopping of course!
I need to start shopping for Jake's graduation party next weekend as well as hitting the antique shops downtown.
I am hoping to find some new treasures to fluff my booth with for the new month.
Happy June!
I have a busy week ahead with Jake's senior prom, senior banquet night and he graduates next Friday with a party to follow on Saturday.
Between all that and booth fluffing, I don't know how much blogging I will be doing.
At least I might be too busy to get too teary eyed.
Ya, right.

Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful weekend!


  1. i still love that bed so much! sounds like you have a busy and emotional time ahead of you! hard to believe how fast they grow up!



  2. Those two metal pieces make me think of angel wings. Thye look good there. I loved bundles books. Smiles, Susie

  3. Love those tin pieces! Have fun shopping this weekend, maybe they will be wrong and it won't rain so much!

  4. i could have never parted with it myself! oh's lovely! have fun with all the graduation festivities!! we'l be here when you return! ;)

  5. I would have kept it too! ;) Happy June!!!!


  6. What a beautiful statement that piece makes in your den! Big week for you! Enjoy every moment!

  7. ohmygosh, that tin piece is fabulous!!! Don't blame you for keeping it, it looks perfect there! thanks for linking up, have a wonderful weekend!!

  8. Have fun with all your senior activities and happy shopping!

  9. Everything looks so lovely Sandi! I love your book bundle. All my stuff is in my dad's garage but I did make a point to bring all my books inside!

    Wow, you're busy with your son! My boys never liked any of the school activities.

    I love the town of Venice! We stayed in the cutest little hotel with my dad and step mom there in 08 and just loved it! I'm sooooo happy to be out of So Cal!

    Have fun antique-ing!!!

  10. Okay well... I'm totally drooling over your tin pieces on your shelf.

    You will be in my thoughts and prayers allllll of this next week! Congratulations to BOTH of you!!!

    I'll also be sending you all of my extra energy because that's a whole lotta happy going on in one week!


  11. Sandi,
    The tears that flow will be those of pride and JOY!!! Great expectations! Let the tears flow...then muster your sweetest smile ever for the camera!!! Enjoy the process for the celebrations...everything else will fall into place!
    So glad you kept this looks as if it has always been there. Belonging.

  12. Wow- Those items sold pretty fast, huh? Love that you are constantly re-fluffing your booth. Congrats on Jake's graduation. Those are always happy/sad moments- xo Diana

  13. Hi. I love that book budle on the shelf, Beauttij

    Hugs from here.

  14. That tin piece is amazing Sandi! I don't blame you for keeping it home. It looks perfect on that shelf and you get to look up at it as you blog. :)
    Have a wonderful week of shopping and exciting events with Jake!

  15. Love your pieces! I have to do some major booth fluffing on Monday. I am going with red white and blue for the summer which should encompass all the holidays. You do have a busy week. Enjoy and have fun. xo

  16. Congrats on the graduation...time goes by too fast though. I bawled like a baby when our firstborn graduated.
    On another note, I've drooled over your Johnson Preserves crock for so long...and just won the bid for one like it on eBay! I paid $23. Is that a good deal?

  17. I always love to admire what you do!!! I finally found a Johnson preserves crock like yours on eBay...and I won the bid. I paid $23, which I thought was pretty good.

  18. Oh my, you're going to think I'm crazy. I was commenting from my phone and when the comment didn't appear I sent a second I finally realized you have it set to approve sorry!

  19. Jake is going to be having a great week it sounds like (I just hope his mom holds up : )Congratulations on his graduation Sandi!!!! I am so happy for your family. These are truly the best of times, aren't they?

    I about died when I saw that amazing tin thingy!!!!! That is too awesome for words. I am so glad you kept it for yourself. You don't don't find things like that everyday!

    I want to thank you for featuring me for June on the blog. Thank you for all the sweet things you said. You are such a dear friend.
    sending hugs...

  20. I love the tin pieces, they look great on the shelves. Congrats to the graduate, you are entitled to a few tears.

  21. That is a great piece, I can definitely see why you want to keep it!!
    Have fun with all the upcoming activities!!

  22. Hi Girl! Oh Sandi I did just this with a tin piece that was to go to my shop and it never made it, It now rests on my French chest in the sitting room where I can enjoy its simple rusted beauty. Yet not as grand as yours and wishing I had found yours I don't blame you for keeping it.

    Thank you for sharing yourself over at my place, it is a joy and a treat seeing you and best is the beautiful comments you leave on your way home :)

    See you soon and all that you inspire

    Oh by the way a perfect GiveAway for you one that inspires what we love so in our white designs.

    go to Rosemarys giveaway at it ends June 8Th 12:00 AM...

    Keep inspiring all things Rustic and white.

  23. What an amazing piece Sandi!! Glad you kept it!

  24. No wonder you kept those tin pieces, Sandi! They are so unique..and AWESOME!!! I love them!
    They look great on your shelf with the stack of books.
    What a busy and emotional time you have ahead of you.
    That's what family is all about...enjoy it all, Sweetie.

  25. That tin piece! I'd have kept it, too. It's beautiful!

  26. Your tin piece is FABULOUS! I wouldn't be able to part with that either because a piece like that doesn't come by very often. Perfect spot on your shelf. Thanks for stopping by and your lovely comments.
    Mary Alice


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