Monday, June 11, 2012

proud mom...

...but a good kind of exhausted...

I am also a proud mom...

mike, dan, matt & jake
love these guys!

jaclyn and jake
so proud of you both!

Jake is at his over night college orientation right now so I still need the tissues.

See you for White Wednesday!
I should have myself pulled together by then!


  1. Congrats on your son's graduation Sandi, that is awesome!!
    You don't look old enough to have a son going into college!
    Hope you have a beautiful week my friend.

  2. Thanks for stopping by-so glad I'm following your beautiful blog now!
    And congrats re:your son!

  3. Sandi,
    Congratulations to Jake!!! Now this big world has just opened up new doors of opportunity for him! With every tissue, another layer of pride and support of his decisions in life. Be sure to pack a family photo in his luggage for his "dorm" room. Although he won't admit it...he, too, will be missing you! Trust me, I know!

  4. Congratulations Jake!!!
    Sandi I don't even want to think about college years yet.My daughter is only 12 not a teen yet but soon.It goes way to fast.

  5. Awww, Sandi- Congratulations! It is wonderful to see your kids take that next life step, isn't it? He is gonna do great!!!!

    When my 'baby' had his baby last week everytime I looked at him holding that sweet little guy I started to bawl...and then my dil would tear up, too. Life is just grand, isn't it? xo Diana

  6. Being a proud Mom is the best kind of proud:)

  7. You have every reason to be proud Sandi! It's so hard letting that stage of life go but there's also so much to look forward to:)

  8. It all seems to fly by in a flash, doesn't it? Your children are beautiful! What a lucky mom you are!

  9. Congratulations to you and your son! It's a big moment. Sending one off to college was a lot like the first day of kindergarten for me. They will always be my babies! I hope you have time now to settle into summer!

  10. Congrats on your sons graduation Sandi!! I know how you feel and you can rest now that it is over right? lol Take care of YOU!

  11. awwww, how exciting (for him) and emotional (for you)! I'm sure you are so proud!!

  12. Sandi, Darn...I was hoping I would not miss sending good wishes to Jake. I know you are proud. Smiles, Susie

  13. love your white flowers! congratulations to your son. it is a big event when school is over and onto the next stage in life. hard for you that he's going away. my kids are 22 & 20 studying at university and still living at home in sydney australia. thanks for stopping by my blog.

  14. Huge congratulations on this major milestone and kudos to you Mom for getting him there!
    Don't fret if you find yourself losing it all over again before it's all said and done. I cried a month after my kids graduations and don't get me started on when they left for college.
    Don't tell him I said this, but he's beautiful!


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