Wednesday, May 30, 2012

before or after...

I am popping in this morning to share another new vignette that is the result of my spring cleaning.

This dry sink greets you at the top of the stairs when you come in my home...


But you might remember last week that I was inspired to put this mirror over my mantel.


Can you see that a few of the panes of glass in the window are slightly tinted a blue green?
It compliments the eggs under the cloche...

I love this old mirror.
It was the beginning of my collection...

To be honest ~ I love the simpler before look but this is a nice change for a while...

I guess I will have to find another wonderful old mirror to put back there!
Vintage mirror shopping is one of my favorite things to do!
Which look do you like ~ before or after?

I am joining Kathleen for White Wednesday.
I think I will go peek at some inspiration before I go with Jake to get him fitted for his tux for senior prom next week.
You know I will be bringing tissues.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I like the before...but I m partial to the more simple also. Either way looks great though!

  2. How beautiful it looks Sandi! I love both before and after:) I go through the same thing, simplifying then fussing it back up! Your old mirror is lovely.

    We're house sitting for my dad and step mom over the summer. It gives us a chance to find a place of our own but they don't have anything white so I'll have to sit out white Wed. for a few months!

  3. love the sweet after! really love that sweet clock:)

  4. I love the after! Everything looks so prett grouped together!


  5. It is so fun to change things out.I am like you in that I tend to take away and the simpler things catch my eye. Love the option to do it however you want and change it out!! So glad I stopped by to see what you were up to.

  6. love them both..but change is always refreshing. adore the "after' very much for now. Bonne chance mirror shopping!;)

  7. I love both looks.But that window really compliments those eggs.Love those glass panels!

  8. I love both~! The window is just so wonderful and that mirror is gorgeous. Have fun tuxedo shopping. Don't get the tuxedo wet ;-)

  9. It looks really, really nice, Sandi. I love old windows and your set up is perfect. Love the hint of blue-green- xo Diana

  10. I like both too... but something about the tint in the glass and the eggs in the cloche together really appeals to me... there is such a soft prettiness to it all ...


  11. Love the after. The window and the mirror together. Love how you put it all together.

  12. I love mirrors also. You have done a great job on your vignette. Smiles, Susie

  13. I love the after. Looks more like collected stuff--more of a cottage look. Love it! My daughter and I are always looking for cool vintage mirrors too.

  14. The beauty of 'before' and 'after' vignettes is that you can always change back & forth on a whim. I do like how that glass compliments your pretty eggs.
    Oh gosh - PROM - there will be tears indeed, Sandi. I hope Jake has a wonderful time.

  15. I love them both, but my favorite is the simpler look too, but we have to change things up once in awhile!

    I too am a mirror addict. They fill my home. Some people probably think I am vain! HA!!

  16. I like the after. Love those tinted window panes.


  17. I like both.

    I like when I can move furniture and possessions from room to room.

    Enjoy your new look.

  18. You do have a good eye for creating a vignette.

  19. I love it before & I love it after too sandi!!!lol you always do such a beautiful job creating beautiful spaces....xo chris

  20. Both looks are nice, but I'm more of the mindset "the more the merrier" -- I can't seem to do lowkey or simple when it comes to decorating. Hope your day is great. Tammy

  21. Hi Sandi
    I have always loved a simple look but both of your vignettes are beautiful!. Hope you are having a wonderful spring season!


  22. Of course both ways look wonderful...but I think I like the added bit of color in the after!


  23. Sandi,
    I adore them both!!! Mirrors, white, eggs and blue...truly, a winning combination!

  24. So pretty either way. I do prefer the "after" look, just more inviting with so many beautiful treasures to look at.


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