Friday, May 18, 2012

busy doing nothing...

It's been one of those weeks.
I was very busy but did not get a lot done.
Has that ever happened to you?
I also am experiencing blogger's block.

I wish I could pack my bags...

and take my family...

Back to the happiest place on earth...

I will keep my fingers crossed that my spot on the beach would still be waiting for me...

But, that is not going to happen!
However, I will be relaxing at my campground this weekend.
I am going to relax and plant some flowers...

 ...and regroup for next week.

I hope you enjoy your weekend and I promise to have something new to share soon!
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Sandi, Thanks for the good wishes for this weekend.Yes, I have had weeks where I am chasing my own tail.LOL have fun at the campground. Smiles, Susie

  2. Oh yes, I know that feeling well. When it seemed like it rained here every other day a week or so ago, I just couldn't get it together and get inspired. Take a day or two to stop and smell the roses to re-charge!


  3. Sandi,
    I sure wish I could go back to Disney World too. That is my "happy place" and I can never get enough of it! My son and his family are leaving Saturday so 3 of my grandkids will get to meet Cinderella for the first time ever! I can't wait to see the pics. Thanks for your brought me down a quick trip to memory lane before I head off to work this morning.
    Blessings & hugs,

  4. Yes that totally happens to me!!
    We love DisneyWorld!! In fact we have been talking alot about our next family trip there but it won't be for another year :(

  5. Oh, I've had many weeks like that. Planting flowers sounds very relaxing. It'll probably help. Sometimes I've had my greatest inspiration while doing very simple activities.

  6. Sandi, that is exactly what i did but I could not express it so well. The week went by and I feel like I was sooo busy but I got nothing to show for, I guess it happens. You have been busy though, saw the pictures from the white sale, so beautiful, and I saw a post on somebody's blog and u were there too. I guess sometimes we are entitled to just ME time. Blessings, Marta.

  7. Sometimes I feel frustrated because I spend so much time doing housework and gardening that I have no time to make something cool. That's not fun. Oh well, wish there was more hours in the day!

  8. Love these vacation pics, Sandi! I don't blame you for wanting to return to that bliss.
    It is hard to think up something each week to blog about, isn't it? But you'll always have interesting posts, don't worry!
    Have a great time at the campground. My sister's visiting from Atlanta, so we're having a family gathering. The weather promises to make us all happy!

  9. Enjoy your weekend at the campground. This sounds like a wonderful way to relax!

  10. I must be experiencing a bloggers block lately too. The weather is nice and I want to play in the dirt and plant flowers. Have a good time at the campground this weekend!

  11. You and me both!I would LOVE to go back.I am hoping and praying we will be back next year.But that is a looong time.

  12. I know EXACTLY how you feel about not getting a thing done, Sandi. How in the world does that happen, anyway....??? lol! I look at the mantel clock and it's suddenly 4pm and I feel like I've been back pedaling all day. lol! I hope that you can get away and regroup and get your mojo back, girlie! That beach looks awfully inviting..... :)

    xoxo laurie

  13. Yep, blogger's block is a common thing with me. I wish I could pack it up and go to the sea...but, alas, not happening. Oh well, I can dream of it I guess.


  14. I have never been to the happiest place on earth yet Sandi! lol Hubby wants to go in the worst sort of way, but now that he has a new job that won't be happening anytime soon. :( Sounds divine though!!

  15. Sandi,
    Love thos suitcases at the curbside, dear!

  16. Hope you had a great weekend. All I've been doing lately is working at work and working at home and you know what they say about all work and no play. My creative juices are running dry. :/ Have a wonderful week. Tammy

  17. sounds like my life....I seem to be running in circles. Get started with one thing, distracted by another, and the time just flies by. And then there are all the mundane things, we all have to do, uggh.
    Maybe I could be a little mouse in one off these suitcases.....
    Have a onderful week dreaming,


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