Tuesday, May 22, 2012

busy doing something...

After I shared with you all last week that I felt like I was busy doing nothing, I started thinking about what I really did accomplish.
My son (my baby) is graduating high school in a few weeks so I have been doing a deep spring cleaning around my nest for the party we will have.
I have also been gathering "stuff" to send him off to college in the fall.  (Yes, I am teary eyed as I typed that.)
It has been very busy at the shop and I had to go in a few times and bring some new treasures in as well as making sure I have pieces on hand ready to go.
I also maintain the website for the shop so with lots of sales I try to keep our recent finds page current with photos of new stock.
Throw in all the regular domestic stuff and I guess I was busy doing something!

I am off this morning to work my shift at the shop and am bringing in some new treasures...

I bought the sweet old metal bed a few weeks ago and I had the vintage child's chair (which was black) that I painted white.
I found the sweet, petite drop leaf table at the Marshfield Fair Flea Market this past weekend (along with some other great finds).
I think this will make a pretty vignette in my booth...

Here is my next pile that will be heading to the shop soon...

I found the vintage portrait and round mirror at the flea market too.
The frames will be painted white soon.
You might recognize the white mirror in the back.
It used to be on my mantel...

Just wait until you see what is on my mantel now!
I have been moving things around my nest and am loving how it looks!
I will be sharing my new vignettes for White Wednesday.
I hope you come back for a peek!
I am happy my blogger's block is gone! 

Today I am sharing for the first time with Angie for her Kick of Time Tuesday vintage party!
Thank you Angie!

Thank you for visiting and have a wonderful day!


  1. Great things! I've been remembering that feeling from a year ago of high school graduation and going off to college. It's a relief that I am not feeling that way this year. But, it never really goes away, does it.

  2. You find the best stuff! Love those mirrors!

  3. i think it would love shopping in your store!! maybe someday!

  4. It's nice to have a revolving door for changing things out at home. I rearranged over the weekend, too. What a task. And now a major sandstorm. Ugh! Have a great week. Tammy

  5. Sandi, those are nice goodies to take to the shop.:):) I know if you dwell on your boy being a young man ready to leave for college soon...you'll cry and cry. If I think of my own girls , then my g.kids, too long, I would be a blubbering mess. Smiles, xo, Susie

  6. I would say you definitely have been busy. Congratulations to your son and to you mom for guiding him through. Your new finds are wonderful especially that little chair.

  7. well of curse you've been busy!! wow...sounds like a lot more going on than you realized! i love all of your newest additions to the shop! you all need to think about hosting a "Winter White Event!!"

  8. Hi Sandi,
    What fantastic pieces!!! I love the bed!
    Congratulations on your son's graduation!! They will always stay our babies won't they? :)
    Hope your doing well my friend and have a lovely day!

  9. Wonderful mirrors and that bed is so charming.


  10. It seems like ages since I was as busy as you! Your booth has loads of great stuff! I'm coming back for WW!

  11. You find the best stuff! I can't wait to see your mantle Congrats to your son!

  12. Wow! You've found some great old frames and mirrors. AND now I know how cottagey my bed is going to look when I paint it white. Thanks!

  13. Well, see...I KNEW you were telling a lie when you said you weren't getting anything done!!! You have been BUSY, gal!

    It is hard to send those kids off to college, isn't it? I can remember crying all the way home dropping my youngest daughter off....and continuing along that same path every time I visited her at school.

    You have found some marvelous things-and I am looking forward to seeing your mantle! xo Diana

  14. Sandi,
    Amazing new items for your shop! That drop~leaf table is a priceless piece for a small apartment dweller!!! "Mr. Ed" and I had one we purchased in Maryland and brought back to Kansas with us for many years. Enjoy your time @ the shop!!!...thoughts of you as your "baby" prepares to go off to college!!!

  15. Wow you have been busy. Congrats on the upcoming Graduate. I remember when my boys did wow time flies and they grow so quickly and leave their mama's nest. My heart is with you! Have a wonderful week


  16. You always find the greatest treasures, Sandi! Those mirrors are just fabulous!! :)

    xoxo laurie


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