Monday, May 14, 2012

mother's day weekend...

I enjoyed a beautiful Mother's Day weekend!
Jim and I went for a late lunch ~ early dinner on Friday by the waterfront in Plymouth.
Saturday while my fisherman was wetting a line, I spent the day puttering around my campsite.
On Sunday, Jaclyn came down for a visit and brought me these lovely flowers...

And when I got home this old treasure was waiting for me on the back deck...

My girl knows what I like!
I can't wait to go flower shopping this week!

We brought some lobsters home and threw some steaks on the grill too.  We enjoyed a few glasses of wine and watched the sun set.
It was a perfect weekend!

Jake had to work on Sunday, but he left me a special gift to open when I got home...

I can't wait to start watching!

So, tell me, how was your Mother's Day?
Thanks for visiting ~ have a wonderful week!!


  1. Hi Sandi,
    I love your flowers and your old plant stand!! Perfect gifts for Mothers day!!
    I have not seen any of that show yet can you believe it?? My bff loves it so I need to get in the groove pretty soon! lol

  2. Sandi,
    The simple joys of spending time with those you love are the greatest gifts I recieved!!! A new Rose Bush from our son...a new fridge from my "Mr. Ed" (whether I wanted one or not)...Worship and rest. Mother's Day was truly blessed!
    I adore your flower cart. . .enjoy Downtown Abbey! Lovely, tranquil post!

  3. It sounds like you had a wonderful Mother's Day ...from lunch to dinner to the flowers to Downton Abby. I ca't wait to see it either-

    I had a wonderful weekend, too. xo Diana

  4. Hi Sandi! Thanks for stopping over and visiting at JunK Wild! I was a little nervous everyone woudl hav eforgotten about me since I was away so long! I read your post on Brimfield...great stuff! I saw Rachel Ashwell at the High Point furniture market a few years ago..I was awh-struck as well..dumb founded mreo like it! I just stood there & watched her walk right one was around that even knew who she was...I was like...WHAT??? you don't know who Rachel Ashwell is???? Funny!
    Anyway...thanks for the comment and the visit!
    Take care!

  5. Love your old flower cart! It's going to look great with flowers filling the shelves.

  6. Pretty, pretty. You have some very thoughtful children. 8-)

  7. Love those flowers and the flower cart! I forgot about those cute flower carts--now I "need" one:)

  8. So happy to hear you enjoyed your mother's day so splendidly Sandi. Your children do indeed know you well - such wonderful gifts! The wine and surf/turf on the deck sounds fabulous, too. :)

  9. I'd have to say your weekend WAS pretty perfect! Holy cow! Cute little cart, the perfect flowers, and DOWNTON ABBEY!!! Have fun with that!

  10. Sounds like a lovely the garden cart!!! Enjoy your week! x0x0

  11. You really did have a wonderful Mother's Day Sandi! The hydrangea was such a beautiful gift, and will look so great on your new flower cart : )

    I loved seeing your trip to Brimfield. Oh gosh, my heart almost stopped when I saw that settee in the first photo! I also loved all the pretty chairs you took pictures of. I just don't get to see great pieces like that here in Idaho, sure wish I did though : )

    Thank you for always leaving such sweet comments for me. You always make my day when you come by!
    sending many hugs...

  12. It's wonderful that your kids know what you love Sandi! Sounds like you had a wonderful Mother's Day. (And lobster too...yum!)
    Blessings & hugs,

  13. Oh! It sounds like a wonderful weekend! You will love Downton Abbey!


  14. Looks like you had a terrific Mother's Day, Sandi!
    LOVE the plant cart you received!!!
    have fun filling it up.
    Enjoy your weekend, girlie.

  15. sounds like a lovely weekend. I heave heard such talk about downtown abbey but have never seen it. May have to watch an episode. Have a great day!



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