Friday, May 25, 2012


Always in my heart...

Source: via Sandra on Pinterest

As we approach another milestone in my family, I wish my parents and my mother in law were here to see Jake graduate.
I know they are so proud!
While we will be celebrating Memorial Day this weekend and kicking off another summer, I will be holding my happy memories a little tighter.
Wishing you all a wonderful holiday weekend!


  1. Congratulations to Jake. I hope you have a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend.

  2. Aren't those buckets of flowers wonderful? Have a nice Memorial Day holiday with your family!

  3. Congratulations to Jake and happy weekend Sandi!! Hugs from Michigan!

  4. What a lovely grouping of flowers!!
    so appropriate for this weekend.
    Happy graduation to Jake, and your family.
    Have a wonderful weekend, Sandi!

  5. Have a wonderful weekend. Celebrate and enjoy..

  6. Graduation is such a bittersweet transition...congratulations to Jake! A moment in time...

  7. Oh Sandi- I wish your mil and parents were there to see Jake graduate, too. It is those times that we miss family most, I think. My father never saw any of his grandchildren save one..and my mother had dementia and never got realized that they were there. Blessings to you and I hope you have a good Holiday- xo Diana

  8. Wonderful Blog. Lovely Home.
    Your mantle looks fabulous!

    Anyhow, I will have to go and ck out your Pinterest Boards.
    PS: I love dress forms also.

    Have a nice and long Memorial Day week-end!


  9. Congratulations to your son! You must feel so proud of him:) I don't know when that nagging sadness ever goes away of knowing our days of little ones at our feet are over! I think about my kids toddler years every single day!

    Anyway, we made it to FL and I'm hoping to update my blog this weekend. Have a wonderful holiday weekend:)

  10. Sandi,
    Thoughts coming your way this week as you celebrate milestones with your family! Those "rays of sunshine" are your family members smiling down from above!!!

  11. Congratulations, Jake!
    I don't think we ever get over missing the ones we love. I like to thing they're around and watching anyway. :)

  12. Congrats to your son! My oldest will graduate next year. At least we hope he does. Ha! Best wishes to you for a wonderful weekend. Tammy

  13. This is beautiful Sandi...yes, I bet they are so proud of Jake (and of the mother you are)Our loved ones are never far from us.
    sending big hugs...

  14. Sandi, You better take a big old hanky with you when Jake graduates. A tissue won't do. Enjoy this day. Smiles, Susie


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