Wednesday, February 6, 2013

shelf in my den...

Taking a little break from painting old treasures for the white show to share with you the farmhouse shelf in my den and how I styled it after the holidays.

I kept it simple...

Jim and I are going to the shop later to freshen up the walls in my space with a new coat of my favorite white for walls...Swiss Coffee.
He is always so helpful and supportive of my business!

I hope to have a different look in my space for our At Home With White Show.
Painting the walls is just the first step!
Sorry Jim.

I think I will go check in with the girls over at 


to see what everyone else is sharing today.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. simply lovely. sometimes "less is more." i love the calmness of this vignette. i really hope to get to your at home with white show again this year. it is always such a delightful experience! ;)

  2. All the shades of cream and white are so pretty together. Love the old books in the mix too. Your photos are wonderful... some of them would make a great still life painting!


  3. Sandi, The shelf and things on it are just right. I like the old books. I have some piles of those also. xo,Susie

  4. Nice shelf filled with pretty treasure Sandi!! :)

  5. Beautiful, simple whites. I love the old tattered books, too.
    Bless that wonderful hubby of yours, Sandi!
    As far as AHWW show - I just went to write it in my calendar when I discovered that April 6th is also little Charlie's First Communion workshop (parents must attend). It is in the morning, so maybe I can make the trip down in the afternoon or perhaps on Sunday instead. I'll do my best!!!

  6. The colors of white are very calm and restful, which is just what you need when you're at home. Sounds like you've got your work cut out for you.....and your hubby! Pretty photos. :)

  7. Oh I love that color!What a sweet vignette too!

  8. Love everything you chose for your display shelve! You made each item count! xo Pam

  9. Sandi,
    Simply divine decor!!!
    The booth will look ever more fabulous with a fresh coat of paint!!! Husband Jim deserves a special Valentine for his hard does my "Mr.Ed"!!!
    Enjoy the fruits of your labors and be sure to photgraph your white booth when completed!!!

  10. Oh how I adore a simple, gorgeous display like the one you have put together. I love all the different elements you have pulled in to make it look so snappy.

    Quick question about the stack of books. Do you remove the covers yourself or are you blessed with finding with that way already?

  11. You are always moving things around and changing things up. Everything is so pretty. When does your road trip begin? :) Tammy

  12. Is that a cast iron piece and is it part of something else? I love it!! The entire scene is so simple and charming. A white show sounds like a great visit. Wish I was closer. Enjoy the weekend. xo

  13. Sandi, I have been wanting to add shelving up in my place. You are setting a fire under me to get it going.
    Love the mix of gathered and collected pieces you have added to your shelving, all in the right kind of rightness that adds to the interest of taking notice.
    Love that I could move it right over to my home and it would fit right in.

    Happy February filled with hearts, hugs, and kisses.


  14. Very pretty shelves and vignettes.
    Hugs, Cindy

  15. Everything on your shelf is something I would love!

  16. Sandi,
    I love this post! So beautiful yet, simple my Friend.I have a lust for ironstone too. Your shelf is perfect to display. Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a sweet msg.
    Happy Valentine's Day,
    xxx Liz

  17. I like your arrangement on the shelf, Sandi. Everything looks perfect.
    You can't go wrong with your wonderful treasures.


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