Wednesday, February 13, 2013

flour sack towels...

I am in the midst of lots of projects around here and I love it!
I am working on two room makeovers in my house, pieces for my booth at the shop as well as pieces for our white show.

Today I have a few finished projects to share with you that I am bringing in the shop later today.
Before more snow comes.
Jim and I will be completing phase two of my booth makeover too (as for phase one, we painted one wall last week and it looks wonderful)!
I picked up some flour sack towels last week and with help of The Graphics Fairy embellished a few to tuck in my booth...

It was my first time using iron on transfer paper and it was fun.
I plan on making more for the white show.

A few weeks ago I picked up an ugly unwanted trunk at a thrift shop.  
I wish I took a before photo, it was dark wood with some fruit painted on it.  Here is what it looks like now...

I used the modge podge method on this one.  As you can see I rubbed a bit too hard in a few places, but I like it...perfectly imperfect!
I am saving this for the show.  I am hoping to have a corner full of old trunks and suitcases.

A few weeks ago Mary Ellen and I went treasure hunting and I found a small, old bureau.
Again, I forgot to take a before photo.
I gave it a quick coat of paint and now it is ready to go in my booth...

Simple and Sweet!

This past Sunday was my three year blog anniversary!
It has been a great adventure so far and I feel like I have just begun!
Thank you for visiting!!

Joining the fun with
Becky at Timewashed for Blissful Whites Wednesday
and Kim at Savvy Southern Style for Wow Us Wednesdays


  1. LOVE the numbered dresser!! I have made towels like that in the past, and I always have fun making them! So easy!!

  2. Ooooooh love all of your towels! And that numbered dresser is fab! Glad you survived the snow. We're bracing for more tonight too. Bleah!


  3. I love the little trunk! Hard to believe it had fruit on it before:) Your towels are darling also.

    Happy 3 year Blogaversary! I think I'm at around 3 years now, I'll have to check:)

  4. Oh I love those flour sack towels!I have not tried doing that method yet but you did a great job!Beautiful white trunk too!Congratulations on your three year anniversary of blogging!So glad we met through blogging!

  5. You have been busy girl! I just love these graphics on the flour sack towels. They will be a big hit at AHWW, along with that trunk and bureau. Wow! I'm sure the 'before' looks of these two pieces were a far cry from their transformed beauty.
    Now you've got me inspired...let's cross our fingers not too much snow this weekend. :)

  6. Hi dear Sandi.
    Love the transfer on the towels.
    That trunk is so beautiful. Great work as usually.


  7. Your towels are gorgeous! They will fly off your shelves at the store!

  8. Loving the dresser with the numbers!! So cute!!!! Congrats on 3 years!
    xo~ Cheryl

  9. Sandi,
    Happy Blog Anniversary, dear friend!!!
    I am so~o~o grateful that I found your blog through a linky party!!!
    Those flour sack tea towels are favorite is the grain No. 4 one!!! I agree...make more...they will sale quickly!!!
    Love the trunk and the dresser for your white show!!!Much, much success is wished for you!!! Thanks for sharing your talents and creativity with all of us!!!
    Do wish I was closer in miles to support your booth...literally!!!

  10. The little flour sack towels are wonderful, and if that trunk was ugly before, it sure isn't now! What a cute makeover. From the looks of it, your booth must be loaded with things i would love!


  11. I love those towels Sandi and I'm sure they won't last long in your booth. I can only imagine what the trunk and dresser looked like before you worked your magic. Nice job.

  12. Oh my goodness Sandi, you have been busy. Love the flour sack towels. They turned out great. A very Happy Valentine's Day to you.


  13. Charming towels and that chest is a cutie! Congrats on the anniversary.


  14. congrats on your 3rd anniversary, sandi! love the towels, --a project i need to try:) the chest and trunk look great, too.

  15. Beautiful I LOVE the towles and the trunk, and .....great work!
    Hearts to you,

  16. Love your towels Sandi! And the sweet chest of drawers with the numbers on it! What a great idea!!
    Would love to shop your booth!! :o)

    Have a lovely day!

  17. Happy 3 year Blogiversary! You are going to be fully stocked for the White Show and your transfers turned out beautifully as did your painted furniture!


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