Wednesday, January 2, 2013

hello 2013...

Hello 2013!
I decided to treat myself for the new year and keep a recent estate sale vintage find.
Sshh ~ don't tell Jim, he probably won't even notice...

The estate sale was a few doors down from my house...

I was one of the first people there and started buying things left and right...

The prices were amazing and I purchased quite a few large pieces...

The dining room was the last room I went in and when I saw this beautiful old chandelier I wanted it...

The price tag...$20!!!
Can you blame me for keeping it?
It is in wonderful condition and has all the fabulous crystal prisms.
I love the way it looks in my studio...

At some point I am going to have to tell Jim though.
I need his help wiring it up...

I will probably wait until I clear out the downstairs and bring the other pieces from the estate sale into the shop like this wonderful shabby old chair...

I love the fabric, it reminds me of our den growing up...

I also bought the matching 8 foot couch!

Although I did buy a cute pair of matching lamps that I brought right in the shop after the sale and sold them to Mary Ellen.
She used them in her living room makeover that she shared a few photos of on her blog.
I was lucky enough to see it in person and took some photos to share with you soon.

Oh...and I did keep another piece from the estate sale too for my Paris Hotel Suite.  I switched it out with another piece to make room for it and already sold the old one at the shop!
I will share the new look soon too.

For now, I am happy with my new chandelier...

Hello gorgeous!

I want to thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers for our friends who lost their home in a fire on Christmas Eve, I knew I could count on you!

Thank you for stopping by!


  1. Sandi,
    Hello gorgeous, indeed!!!
    Several years ago, I took the money my Dad gave us for Christmas and bought the petite chandelier that hangs in our Guest Room!!! Should we ever move from here...that will come down before showing the house!!! I need to see more photos of all your great Estate $ale finds, dear friend!!!

  2. What a gorgeous chandelier!! Twenty dollars? Wow!!

  3. Oh the chandy is GORGEOUS! And the price is crazy good. Glad you started the year off with something that brings you joy.


  4. Love your style of decorating. I feel the need to go to the shops around here now.
    Your chandelier find reminds me of one my grandmother had.

  5. Good for you- I just love it- and guess what? Now I have something to blackmail you with if you aren't nice to me. Do I have Jim's number?;>) Blessings- xo Diana

  6. that chandelier was a STEAL for $20! I've been looking for the exact size and style as that one too... fingers crossed I'll have similar luck soon. :)

  7. Hello Gorgeous!!!!!! What a great find. I would have snatched it up for that price too!

  8. She Scores!

    I am tardy in responding to your friend's tragedy. Hope they are getting the help they need and have the insurance they need. Still... losing precious mementos is difficult and the stress of it all is life changing. I pray they'll have the support and love they need to see them through. I watched a story today about some of the Sandy victims, still suffering so...

    At times like this I am reminded how blessed I am, and must always express my gratitude.

    Happy New Year!

  9. Oh my goodness--you are so lucky! I love that chandelier--can't believe you got it for $20! You are like it me--tell your husband in a few weeks that you need him to hang it then say "Oh, I've had this awhile " :) Of course at that price my husband would have been mad if I didn't buy it!

  10. How convenient to have the estate sale just down the street and to be the first one there. The chandelier is beautiful and I'm sure you purchased many other wonderful items, too. So great that you are able to buy and sell and change things up as you please -- sure makes decorating fun. Wishing you a wonderful day, Tammy

  11. I love that chandelier. It`s gorgeous. Of course you had to buy it.

    Have a great day.


  12. What an amazing bargain!Well spotted, its gorgeous!
    Love the chair too, we rarely seem to have accessible sales like that in the UK.
    Enjoy your purchases!
    Gill xx

  13. LUCKY YOU Sandi!! I have yet to find one that is reasonable priced. SO happy for you. It is gorgeous!!

  14. Oooh la la! Tres chic chandelier Sandi! It looks perfect in your studio already. So happy to hear you scored some great finds at the estate sale. Your year is off to a great start!

  15. oh my...lovely and for 20 bucks??? score! (psst...if you need help hanging that little pretty up....let me know...i'll walk you through it!) ;)

  16. $20?!!!! Wow! You are one lucky shopper!!

  17. You so deserve it Sandi, all the beauty you can hold in your hands and in your heart.

    Keep inspiring your creative finds and your beauty.
    Next time don't tell us how much you spent on such a find it really chaps our hide when we see someone with a deal like that when we have to spend so much to get this same look! :)
    Keep killing inspiring your grace, and beauty.

    Happy 2013

  18. This chandelier is gorgeous, indeed! I still can't believe it cost you only $20...Lucky you! Thank you for your nice words on my blog. Wishing you a fabulous New Year!

  19. Thanks for visiting and leaving such a nice comment. Love your new chandelier. I wouldn't have been able to resist it either. Take Care.

  20. Are you kidding me?? $20??? Your chandelier is beautiful. I'm glad you're keeping it because when would you find such a beauty at that price again!
    Mar Alice

  21. What a great buy, Sandi! It's beautiful!!! Of course you HAD to purchase the chandy...who in their right mind wouldn't have??!!

  22. such a pretty find, sandi! happy 2013!!

  23. *sigh* It's gorgeous! I have a weakness for old chandeliers. I always pick them up if I can find them for a decent price. And I'd say you got an AMAZING price!! Way to go!

    Blessings... Polly
    p.s. Thanks so much for joining the Lovely Blogs collection.

  24. Oh Sandi, You absolutely must keep that gorgeous chandelier! And for $20, you lucky duck.
    You have such a lovely vintage style, I must come over more often.
    Hugs, Cindy

  25. I wish I had an estate sale like that down my street. It's funny, how well do we really know our neighbors and their design style. Most of the time you only meet your neighbors outside of the house. Fantastic finds.

  26. Sandi, I could feel
    your energy just
    oozing out of this
    post! Funny how
    a vintage sale this
    good can do that : )
    Love your chandie
    and so glad that
    you kept her. It
    already twinkles,
    even without being
    wired up. {Not
    sure how I'd break
    that one to my
    hubby....not one
    of his fave jobs!}

    Hope your 2013
    continues to shine
    as bright as your
    new fixture.

    xo Suzanne

  27. I would have bought that one too! Sounds like you scored quite a few nice pieces. I never seem to have that much luck. I'm probably always about 5 minutes behind people like you! :)



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