Wednesday, January 9, 2013

favorite whites of 2012...

I thought for my first white post of 2013, I would share my favorite whites of 2012 with you.

In January I gave a vintage hamper a makeover...

In February I put together some new simple vignettes in my home...

March brought great news for Jake and his college search...

April was all about the At Home With White Show at the shop...

In May, for Mother's Day I got the sweetest gift from my daughter...

June was a month full of celebrations...

And July had me painting yard sale finds...

August was a month full of treasure hunting for myself and for a bigger space at the shop...

September was a busy month of makeovers...

I found a unique way to display pumpkins in October...

And in November I shared my JDL inspired advent calendar...

For December I tried to keep the holidays simple...

Here's to a new year full of white inspiration!
Joining Becky at Timewashed for her Blissful Whites Wednesday!
Thank you for hosting Becky and thank you for stopping by!!


  1. Love all your lovely whites:) Happy New Year Sandi.

  2. Beautiful vignettes and whites, dear Sandi. I pinned your fireplace vignette, you put them together beautifully.
    I love white decor, but I am torn between whites and colours, so I tend to vacillate between them. I always love seeing what you do.
    Hugs, Cindy

  3. You certainly had a busy year! Love the cloche with the clock and the French mirror. Love, love, love!


  4. Beautiful vinettes, especially the pumpkins and the White Show!

  5. Love all your whites. The present from your daughter is beautiful. The mirrer, yes everything are so pretty.
    It`s a problem for me that I love things that it`s not possible to find in Norway, only in USA. (smile).

    Hugs from me

  6. Your beauty surrounds us in whites, love all your vignettes . Congrats to Jake!
    It's going to be a year to look forward to seeing all that you may come up with in the way of white, salvage, and inspiration.
    Have a beautiful weekend Sandi, let it inspire the best from you.


  7. O, Sandi, i noticed the little # 3 zinc plaque I did for you, happy to see it fitting in with your vignettes :)


  8. Everything looks so pretty. You were busy! I love the little pumpkins on the springs too, what a clever idea that was!


  9. You've had a lovely white year Sandi! I just love the little white cart, your daughter has great taste like her mama:)

  10. LOVE to see your home, and all of the neat things you do with whites, Sandi!!! You always inspire me!

  11. Lots of white loveliness. Each image is beautiful, Sandi- xo Diana

  12. Sandi,
    Oh, dear friend...I L O V E this post!!! A year of your lovely whites all in a row, well column!!!
    Today was inspirational day for Studio One. "Mr. Ed" and I headed to our favorite Antique Mall and I spent more than a half an hour in the most inspirational booth...reminds me of A Cottage Muse!!! All the white and then thee's the soft, subtle hues of pink, greens, and then that dramatic black. One of my favorites is the shelf where she has the Madonnas and varying sizes of white Bibles stacked atop one another. So~o~o tranquil and calming!!!
    I didn't make a purchase from her booth this time around, first I have some more editing to do!!!
    Again, thank you, for your lovely blog and sharing your exquisite booth with us!!!

  13. So many great transformations, but I'm still drooling over your advent calendar. :)

  14. *sigh*

    I've missed your awesomeness. I'm lurking...

    You are sooooo talented and make me want to paint something white. Lol!


  15. So glad you hunted and kept for you!!!! Hope you have a wonderful 2013!1

  16. I love the clock with the cloche!!! Everything is so pretty! The mirror is great too!

  17. 2012 was oh so good at A Cottage Muse! I'm looking forward to what 2013 has in store!

  18. Your whites are my favorites too! So many lovelies! I'm going to use even more white this year! Happy New Year, Sandi!

  19. Sandi, it all looks so great, it's hard to pick a favorite! I love the cloche display and also your little pumpkins :)

  20. That is a lovely year of white. Maaike at Crejjion posted an online magazine (Gatherings, The White Issue)

    I'm not a white person but I will definitely be perusing the pages for lovely inspiration.

    Have a fabulous Friday! Tammy

  21. LOVE the advent calendar, a great idea! Minerva x


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