Thursday, October 11, 2012


We closed up our trailer last weekend for the season.
I took a break on Saturday and sat by the lake for a while.
I just sat there reflecting on the season and how it went by so quickly ...

It was a lot of work and for some reason this old girl is just exhausted this week.

I did a bit of cleaning around here today and got to thinking about how this past year has gone by so quick too.
Thought I would share some reflections through my newly cleaned old mirrors...

This old girl turned another year older yesterday...

I will be honest and say this was a tough one for me.
The one before a big one always is.
Seeing this last night though made my day a little better.
Thanks you!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Beautiful mirrors and a great post.

    Warm hugs from me

  2. Happy Birthday!

    Funny how these "older" birthdays seem to be milestones for many of us with far more meaning than just another year older.

    Hope it was a good day and a great new year to you <3

  3. P.S. I forgot to say, I LOVE all of your beautiful mirrors! Looks soooo nice!

  4. Happy belated birthday my 'dear' girl (NOT old girl). You are exceptional, my friend. Although the years may get our bones a bit tired, our hearts and spirits are always young.
    Love seeing the reflections in these mirrors - they echo all that 'pretty' back, the result of your talented hands.
    Such a sweet daughter, that Jaclyn!

  5. Sandi,
    Happy BELATED Birthday, dear friend!!! Love, love, love the reflections in the mirrors!!! Shared your bedspring decor with a friend and her creativity went into overdrive as to other possibilites to use in home decor. Don't ya' just love that chain reaction! Thanks for the inspiration!!! Closing up our "lake lots" was always a BITTERSWEET time for me, as well.

  6. What a cute idea for a post! I love your reflections and your gorgeous mirrors!

  7. I love the "reflective" photos - such a pretty home!

  8. Those sweet daughters do have a way of perking you up just when you need it most! Happy belated birthday, Sandi!

  9. Sandi love all of your mirrors and the refection's of your beautiful home too! Happy Birthday!

  10. Happy Belated Birthday!! Love your beautiful mirrors.


  11. I love your blog! I stopped by and am your newest follower and was hoping that you might stop by my blog and follow me too!

    Thank you!

  12. Happy Birthday!! Nice post.. Humm? You gave me an idea.
    Anyway, I didn't buy any mums this year only, pumpkins. I kill them, lol. so I thought it was just a waste even though it's fall. Have a great weekend.
    xxx Liz

  13. Happy Birthday! I turned 55 this summer. The "fives" are always hard for me because then it means I'm on the down hill slide to the next "big one".

  14. What beautiful reflections in each and every mirror. Happy Birthday. I agree time is just flying ~ cherish all of the moments that make a day ;-)

  15. Happy birthday young lady. What is the big one..100. Now that is the big one for me. I want hear Willard Scott tell me "you sure are looking , Susie" Hope we are both around for that one.:):) It is hard to believe summer is gone and fall scooting by. Enjoy your youth and good health Sandi. xo, Susie

  16. Mirrors are my favorite! I have 3-4 in each room in my tiny 1000 sq ft home. They help.

    Love, love, love all the white!


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