Monday, October 15, 2012

french inspired pieces...

Well, once camping season ends the DIY projects begin.
(Which seem to be keeping me from blogging!)
I could not find my leftover project list from last year so I moved forward and started a brand new one.
Jake's room.
I forgot to take before pictures, but I know I have some old ones, somewhere.
My color inspiration for the room is here.
I should have some before and during pictures to share next week.

In the mean time, I think I will share with you some of the french inspired pieces I just finished and brought into the shop this morning...

The shop is looking amazing and I took a lot of pictures when I worked on Saturday.
I will share them later this week.
In between cleaningandsandingandpaintingandpainting.
Oh and getting ready for the wonderful Creatively Made Home ecourse that starts next Monday!
I am so excited!!

Thank you for all the lovely birthday wishes and thank you for stopping by ~ have a wonderful week!


  1. Sandi LOVE those pieces!And your booth looks amazing! You sound as busy as I am.I am trying to finish my home projects and keep up with my space! I keep selling so it is keeping me busy!

  2. Fabulous pieces Sandi! However do you part with them?????? It would kill me!


  3. Sandi,
    What adorable new "Frenchy" pieces for your booth!!! I'm predicting they won't last long!!! "Mr. Ed" and I are on the homeward stretch for our debut booth "Bits 'n Pieces"...only 5 days away!!! Won't bore you with the details...'cause you know EXACTLY what I'm up to!!! Had to stop in and see what you were doing!

  4. Your new pieces look amazing as does the sneak peek into your space! I can't wait to see the rest!

  5. I love how these are simple but yet elegant! Can't wait to see shop pictures! Hope you are having a wonderful evening!

  6. Your shop is beautiful! Where are you located? Love the pieces you've featured.

  7. I love these pieces. I wish there was some way, we all could meet up and learn from each other. I love your work! Beautiful! Of course, white is my favorite and yet, I seem to be getting away from it lately.

  8. Fabulous, Sandi! Your booth is so full of gorgeous goodies! And how in the world did I miss your birthday??? Bad me! Anyway, Happy belated Birthday - and I hope you celebrated in a big way! :)


  9. Oh, wow. I love the things you have there. They are beautiful, all of them.

    Hugs from me

  10. Let me begin by wishing you a happy birthday...she says with a apologetic sigh. looks gorgeous. I'm crazy for a b/w combo.

  11. So pretty! Thoses will get sntached up very quick I just know it.

    I'm the same way about camping season. I'm glad it's almost over but I know I'm going to miss it and I'm pretty sure my to-do list will be thankful to get some attention.

  12. I agree your shop looks great. Keep checking off the projects. I don't have enough paper around here to write all the projects i should be finishing:)
    happy belated birthday!
    yes can't wait for the e-class too

  13. Such pretty items you made for the shop Sandi!
    I agree with in the world did I miss your birthday???? ugh.
    Hope it was a great one anyway!! :)

  14. Sandi, Thank you for your visit, and thank you for inspiring all these little brocante piece painted up and ready for a cottage French home. I too have been painting now for Christmas, and I can't wait to etsy them :)

    Thank you for all your faithful visits, all that you encourage in my art touches the edges of my heart soulfully. Its the life we choose to create in that makes this beautiful world of blogging so rewarding.


  15. They're charming. I would love to be able to shop in your space!


  16. Sandi, Wish I could shop in your space. Your pieces are lovely!
    Mary Alice

  17. You clever girl - these pieces are AMAZING! See you at CMH - I'm so excited!

  18. Sandi,
    You are so clever and your new items! I will have to make a trip down to Wrentham to take a look...beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!

  19. Happy happy belated birthday Sandy and I just know those fabulous pieces will fly out of the shop. :)


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