Monday, October 29, 2012

perfect day to pin...

It is quite a blustery day outside my window.
As Hurricane Sandy makes her way up the East Coast, this Sandi decided it would be the perfect day to pin.
After I clean the house of course.
Or not. 

Here are a few of my favorites that I pinned a while ago that still make my heart skip a beat.

From my board "don't miss the details"...

My "vintage vignettes" board has quite a few pins from the
Curious Boys...

I'm smitten with them...

Then there is my ever growing "wish list" board...

Source: via Sandra on Pinterest

I missed out on the firkin at the shop.  I wanted to paint it white just like this one.

Last but not least is my "vintage with a view" board.
These views are much better than the one outside my window!
Love this beauty from another Sandi...

Source: via Sandra on Pinterest

This next pin is for my bff.
Happy Birthday Lisa!

Source: via Sandra on Pinterest

Thank you for stopping by today!
Hoping everyone stays safe during the storm!
Off to pin some more I mean clean!


  1. Lovely inspiration! I am now following all of your boards. It's a Pinterest day for me too!

  2. I am pinning today also Sandi! Up at my daughter's waiting for baby number four...hope it is this week! :)

  3. Thank you for link to boys...Gonna stop on over and peruse awhile.

  4. I've been pinning too! ;) Stay safe Sandi!


  5. Hi Sandi- I am back from my blogging break and playing a bit of catch up here. LOVE your pins. You're right-today is a good day to pin-away from the bluster of that other Sandy! xo Diana

  6. I like to think of you tucked safely away pinning while a storm rages outside. I would be a nervous wreck! We have a bad wind storm maybe once a year. Nothing like a hurricane, and it drives me crazy! Stay cozy! (Love your pins too!)

  7. We were wondering why so many visiters are from Your Blog . . . Sandi, Thanks So Much for including Us as one of Your Favorites !! And Please, STAY SAFE ! Big Hugs, JOE & GLEN

  8. Your pins are gorgeous! I think staying in and pinning sounds like a perfect plan for you today:) My BIL and his wife live in Manhattan, they both got the day off. Stay warm, dry and safe my friend!

  9. Oh my gosh!!!
    I am at work and should not be blog-commetating right now, but i do wisk you all the best and hope you stay safe while the storm passes!

    I´ll come back and visit your wonderful blog soon:)


  10. Oh, I hope you and yours are safe in the storm.
    Love the photos.

    Hugs from me

  11. Lovely inspiration! Now I've got to go take a peek at your Pinterest boards. I already follow yours, but I follow so many I seem to miss a lot!

  12. Love all your photos from Pinterest. I need to spend a little more time checking out the eye candy there. :@

    Stay safe!

  13. LOL...never thought to take a day for pinning but I could do it very's very addicting and now I am going to see the curious boys :) Hope you were safe and sound in the storm. xo

  14. Very pinteresting Sandi! I love those Curious Boys, too. Glad to hear you enjoyed your day inside while Sandy howled away outside.
    We did fine here - didn't lose power thank goodness.
    Take care and keep on pinning (I mean cleaning)!

  15. The Rusty Pearl loves your site... I have a fb site too and a new blog.. would love for you to come along on this journey.. I love your page .. I want to share others sites too on my blog .. SO please follow if you can. Have a blessed day !!!!!!!! loved your page LOTS !!!! my blog info is @ @

  16. I love your Blog !!!!!!! Your pics are fabulous. I look forward to following your blog...


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