Wednesday, October 24, 2012

blissful whites wednesday...

It has been a busy few weeks here working on Jake's room makeover, painting furniture for the shop as well as taking
Jeanne Oliver's Creatively Made Home ecourse.
The course is wonderful!!
 I really have not had much time for anything else.
However, I did not want to miss the first
hosted by Becky from the beautiful blog, Timewashed!

On Friday I shared some photos of the shop including this display in Mary Ellen's space...

One of my blog friends spied the sweet pair of vintage shoes and wanted to purchase them and asked if I could ship them to her...

The answer, yes...anything for a blog friend.

Thank you Becky for carrying on this wonderful gathering that Kathleen started!

Thank you for visiting...have a great day!


  1. Oh wow, I'm so excited that someone else has picked up the WW theme! I've felt so lost without it. Love the shoes, they look like ballet slippers with heels:)

  2. How thoughtful of you to ship those shoes! The store looks wonderful, I sure would have fun shopping there!

  3. Sandi,
    I understand your busyness at this time, dear friend!!! I'll be watching for Jake's room reveal!!! In the meantime, focus and carry~on!!!
    P.S. Thanks for the well wishes...Unique Antique was a huge success!!!

  4. Those shoes are beautiful! I'm so happy that WW is back.

    Thank you for your visit to my blog and for your kind comment. So glad you stopped by!

    Have a great day.

  5. The vintage white shoes are so sweet. Somebody's going to love receiving that package in the mail!

  6. Love this beautiful display. Isn't it great that we can shop right from our blogs? Those shoes are so sweet.

  7. I see lots of great stuff in these photos! Darling shoes! So nice you stopped by busy lady! Glad you have time for some fun!

  8. i almost signed up for that course too. susan's taking it as well! you'll have to blog about it after it ends. to duct tape the windows for hurricane SANDY!! Girl...never knew you had it in you! lol! ;)

  9. i almost signed up for that course too. susan's taking it as well! you'll have to blog about it after it ends. to duct tape the windows for hurricane SANDY!! Girl...never knew you had it in you! lol! ;)

  10. Lucky girl getting those lovely pink vintage shoes!

  11. thank you Sandi,
    can't wait to own them!!!! They are lovely!
    Please stay safe...and there is no rush.
    I think you will also get a lot of this storm.
    At least, it does not quite have the same name as you, ha ha...
    XXX, Evi

  12. Yay! I'm thrilled that Becky decided to pick up the White Wednesday party! I've missed it so much - since it was always my favorite! Thanks for letting us know! :)

    xoxo laurie

  13. I wish I could visit the store! Everything always looks amazing there! I love all your whites :)

    Have a blessed and wonderful day!

  14. I'm signed up for the course too and haven't even had time to look at it yet! I hope this will be the week.

  15. The store looks great, Sandi! Glad to hear you're enjoying the CMH e-course. I perused it last week, but haven't had a chance this weekend. Maybe I'll have plenty of time stuck in tomorrow as Sandy hits. The kids have no school!
    Hang tight in your neck of the woods, my dear!


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