Wednesday, September 5, 2012

number 3...

Happy September!
Thank you all for checking in to see how both my moves went!
I am quite settled in my new space at the shop and will be sharing some pictures real soon.

We also moved Jake into his dorm this past Sunday morning.
It took 35 minutes.
It took us at least 2 hours to move his sister in years ago! 

He is having a great time!
As for me ~ I am doing pretty good.
Most of the time.
I am keeping busy doing lots of projects for my booth and doing a bit of fluffing at home.

I don't think I ever showed you my Ramsign enamel sign I won in a giveaway from Faye a while ago...

Thanks again Faye!!

I live at #3 on my street but it is reminding me that there are only 3 of us at home right now  :(  .
See, I told you, most of the time.

Thank you for stopping by!
I guess I will go cheer myself up and be inspired over at Kathleen's White Wednesday!


  1. Sch a pretty little #3 sign. Your whole vignette look lovely!!

  2. Hi Sandi
    I am so happy that things went so well for you! I can't wait to see your photos and they wonderful spaces. I hope that each day is filled with happiness for you!


  3. Sandi,
    I don't want to think about my daughter leaving our nest because right now it is only three of us.I too won a sign.Can't wait until it gets here!

  4. So glad both your moves went well Sandi! I remember when we moved our son into college and the years seemed to fly by and before we knew it he was graduating! He graduated
    in May, got a job, moved into an apartment and then shortly after that flew out to Denver, CO to be a camp counselor for the summer. He proposed to his girlfriend out there, came back home and got married in July {our daughter was married three weeks earlier}!!! It was quite a summer. The same summer my hubby and younger son also flew to Honduras on a mission trip! whew!

    You will be okay...we gotta be right? Hope your son is doing well!!

    Love your new sign!!

  5. It didn't hit me until I saw my name...duh! That single number looks great...I would have never thought of getting just one number. I guess you'll get used to them leaving the nest but I'm sure it's very lonely each time...but they will be back to visit often, that's for sure! Have a lovely day!

  6. Good luck to you Sandi with your new shop.I wish your sweet boy Jake much success at school. Smiles, Susie

  7. How funny that it only took 35 minutes to move him in! It's hard seeing all the bloggers with young kids posting their "back to school" pics!!!

    I love your # 3:)

  8. I hope to get out to the WCS to shop your new space!

  9. empty nesting is not for wussies... sigh....

  10. Congrats on getting through both moves. I have no idea what's in store next year for my now senior. He is so undecided about everything. Have a wonderful rest of the week. Tammy

  11. Keeping busy is the answer! Lucky you to have won a Ramsign! I like the design you chose because it looks vintage. And it's white. :@

  12. Love your number three and looking forward to seeing your booth photos! So kids at college now? Thankfully, I have a long, long way to go. ;)


  13. i feel your heart ache mon amie. truly i do. our home has no "energy" when our guy is away. but,it's always so nice when they come home, han? yours will be home soon i'm sure! (love your vignette!)

  14. Sandi,
    Welcome Back, dear friend!!! Lovely vignette!!! I'm looking forward to photos of your new booth, soon! Keeping busy helps pass the time til you have Jake home, once again!!!

  15. Congrats on winning the sign, I love those! Well, you made it through another dorm move in. Happy to hear Jake is doing well and you too.

  16. My favorite number is 3-so of course, I love your vignette! (besides, it's just pretty :)

  17. Aw, Sandi- You sound just a little sad here. I know. I know. I know. A lot of us have been through it...I always thought of it as the countdown. And, guess what, when they grow up and have kids of their own it is a whole different kind of start counting up again. Bless your heart- it does get easier- xo Diana

  18. It's always hard when the kids go off to school. I remember dropping my son off at college and the long ride home. Eventually you get used to it. :)

  19. OMG, I recently one a Ramsign too, I just love mine. I just tried to keep busy after sending off my son to college too!

  20. Love your sign Sandi! How funny that Jake's move only took 35 minutes. Ahhh...boys...
    You can comfort yourself that he will be close, and didn't go to school in California, right?
    Show photos of your fab new booth when you have a chance. :)


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