Sunday, August 26, 2012

see you in september...

Jim had some time off last week and we just got home from a wonderful week at the campground.  We enjoyed beautiful weather and had a lot of fun with our friends.
Thanks everyone for a great week!!

I am in the middle of making some more tags for all the treasures going to my new space.
The move starts tonight after the store closes.
I am so excited!

I have a very busy week ahead.
I know after moving into my new space there will be a lot of fluffing and re~fluffing until it is just right.
I also have some last minute college shopping to do for Jake and we have to pack it all up as he moves in next weekend.
So, I think I will take a little blog break.
I hope you all enjoy the last week of summer and have a fun Labor Day Weekend!

See you ~ in September!


  1. Sandi,
    Have fun fluffing your spot! That is the best part of moving into a space!

  2. Have fun! See you in September!

  3. have a wonderful relaxing time. love those gorgeous hydrangea blooms!

  4. I will miss your posts but will look forward to hearing from you again in September. Have a great rest of August!

  5. Sandi,
    A MUCH deserved blog break, indeed! EnJOY your time with Jake...fluffing, and re~fluffing your booth...time with family and friends!!! You'll be missed! I'll be watching for your return and new photos of your booth space, dear friend!

  6. i thought of you today as we moved our own son into school. i will say prayers for YOURS...that he is happy, healthy and thrives . and i will pray even harder for his "maman" who will be trying to mend her aching heart. here for you mon amie! ;) enjoy your break...see you soon!

  7. Stay busy and show us what you did when it's done!
    I took a break from the shop. I still can't get motivated to open again. Business has been really slow in our small town, but I've been doing some projects. Hopefully thingswill pick up after Labor Day.

  8. Good luck with both moves. The shop and your son!

  9. Wish I could help you. Hug your Jake for us. You are going to miss him, mommy.Smiles to all of you, Susie

  10. I hope your sons move goes well and that you don't shed too many tears! My boys (men!) are all still in So Cal but, the good part is, when they're here with us I get their full attention and I get to spoil them rotten!!!

  11. I wish you all the best with your moving. I also wish yor son a great time with his studies.


  12. Enjoy your blog break, Sandi. You deserve it. :)
    Can't wait to see your new space next time I visit WCS - I know it will look spectacular!
    (love your new banner here, too)

  13. Sounds like lots of exciting things going on. Will be waiting to hear all the stories in September!


  14. Sandi ~ take it easy and have a good break. You will be busy I am sure ~ relax, breathe and enjoy and ride ;-)

  15. Just popping in to say hello. Sounds like you had a lovely vacation and you are having fun fluffing - Have a wonderful productive week

  16. Best of luck with all the changes taking place in your life at the moment. Take care, Tammy

  17. How is the move going?
    I bet your new space looks wonderful, Sandi!
    Can't wait to see it all.


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