Tuesday, July 31, 2012

thanks for the memories...

I remember spending summers with my Nana on the cape.
I couldn't wait 'til that last bell rang in June.
She would make breakfast every day with a smile.
Every sunny day spent was spent on the beach with friends.
Rainy days were always fun filled too.
With the beach in walking distance I would go home every day for lunch and fill my Nana in on all the fun so far that day.
Light dinners included BLTs (with extra bacon) or "your Mom isn't here till the weekend so let's have ice cream instead"!
Each night she would perfectly iron my outfits for those "summer nights".
Meeting up with my girlfriends and the cute boys (one of which I married).
Running home to make curfew.
And at night I would write letters on the summer porch (where I slept) to my friends at home, telling them what they are missing and wish they were there.

Those were the memories that hit me today when I spied this vintage mailbox at the shop...

Thanks Nana for all those summers on the cape and all the wonderful memories...miss you.
Thanks to Karen K. too for having this treasure in her booth that brought me back to the good ol' days!

Joining Kathleen for White Wednesday ~ thank you for visiting!


  1. Hi Sandy
    Great post
    We vacation in Marthas Vineyard every summer and It is heavenly
    lobster in the boat house and noseeums
    LOVE the mailbox too

  2. what precious..precious memories. i feel honored that you would share them with us. that mailbox sure is nostalgic. very sweet. (is it still for sale?? ) i LOVE it! ;)

  3. Thanks for sharing your precious memories of summers with your Nana. She sounds like she was a wonderful and very special woman. I called my grandmother Nana too, and will never forget the weekends I spent at her house baking, painting, shopping. She really knew how to make me feel special.

  4. What great, great memories, Sandi. I love that you had such a special summer childhood. I hope my grands look back on me as fondly! xo Diana

  5. What a sweet post...I love that mailbox!!! x0x0

  6. Sandi,
    Wow you gave me goose bumps.What wonderful memories.I too have fond memories of my Grandmother.What a treasure you found!

  7. Isn't it amazing how such a small treasure can bring back such large memories, Sandi? Sweet. So very sweet! :)

    xoxo laurie

  8. I loved every word in this post. I could almost feel the energy and the delight and the romance of those nights and smell of the ocean. That was awesome...


  9. Well, THIS time you took me back to the beach with YOU! What a luscious summer memory. You had the perfect grandmother. Now you have the perfect mailbox!

  10. Hi Sandy,
    What a lovely post! Thank you for sharing such wonderful memories...I love going down memory lane!! Maybe it's because we are drawn to the beauty of vintage!
    Have a lovely week!

  11. So very sweet Sandi! And what wonderful memories! Love that mailbox! Would love to find one!!
    Have a lovely week!

  12. How sweet, Sandi...your memories and the lovely mailbox...

  13. nice memories you have. Thanks for taking us there with you!

  14. Such sweet, lovely memories of summer ... and of your wonderful Nana. Lovely post, Sandi! Wishing you a fabulous day. Tammy

  15. you paint a lovely mental picture, sandi:) karen's mailbox is full of charm-love it!

  16. Ah, the carefree days of youth! Wonderful memories aren't they?
    Love the mailbox! I just bought an old one for our garage, but it's not nearly as "fancy".

  17. Sandi, I hope my grandkids think of me with love...the way you do your Nana. I am glad you married the cutest boy:):) Smiles, Susie

  18. Hi Sandi
    THis must be a memory week for some reason!!! Loved your walk down it, life just was all about cute boys, music and friends wasn't it? I remember sleeping on the porch in the summer also and loved it!
    Wishing you a glorious day

  19. Those are wonderful summer memories Sandi! Your nana sounds like she was a very special lady:)

    Gorgeous mailbox! Did you buy it?

  20. What a great find, and wonderful memories!:)

  21. Sandi,
    I enjoyed your memories of your days spent with Nana! Thank you for sharing those heartflet days with us! I know you must be smiling...

  22. Beautiful memories, and that mailbox, wow, love it.

    Have a great day

  23. Hi Sandi,

    Oh those memories sound so beautiful!!! I love reading about such things....I really felt like I was there right along with you!!! :)

    Wishing you a wonderful day!


  24. Love the mailbox. I picked one up last year because I missed having one. I live in a rural area and we go to the post office to pick up mail. Our home was not complete without a mail box ~ yours is lovely ;-)

  25. I always enjoyed my holidays when I was young, just doing simple things. The letter box you spotted is lovely.

  26. Such lovely memories! That sounds wonderful. Every grandchild should be so lucky. :)
    ~Dori @belljarvintage.blogspot.com

  27. Hi Sandi... just found you through Faded Charm. I adore that vintage mail box and would love to have one of those. I don't think I've even seen one like that here in Australia.

    I'd love it if you'd come for a visit and consider linking up at Shabbilicious Friday ~ http://shabbyartboutique.blogspot.com.au/2012/08/shabbilicious-friday-link-party-august.html

  28. What a great memory that mailbox brought back to you, Sandi.
    You are blessed to have had such happy times with your Nana.

  29. thanks for sharing.
    Funny, how one pretty thing can trigger such warm and beautiful memories. Thank God for giving grandparents!

  30. Sandi,
    What a sweet post about your fun times with your Nana. Hope you are having a great weekend.


  31. WHEW! That was a close one! When I read, "Thanks for the memories" I thought you were leaving us!!!! :( So thankful you aren't Sandi!! Love this mailbox and the memories!!!!!!

  32. Ahhh...such sweet summer memories. I can imagine you enjoying summer days and nights such as you describe, Sandi. And how cute that you met Jim during this summer fun.
    It's quite remarkable how a nostalgic mailbox can bring back a flood of good memories. I'm happy for you that it did. :)

  33. You are making me cry!!!!
    Same here with my Nonna, how fun it was. How simple it was too. Love your new treasure. Ciao Rita


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