Tuesday, July 24, 2012

enjoying summer...

Sunset cocktails by the lake at the campground with my honey...

Shopping at Pier I and buying some new mugs for my home...

Cutting hydrangeas for my mantel and loving the pop of color...

What have you been up to?
Thanks for stopping by ~ have a wonderful day!


  1. Sandi,
    Your views of the lake and your home are so very tranquil! "Mr.Ed" and I have been doing some crafting for Christmas gifts...in this July heat! It allows us time to be on the lower level living and Studio One areas where it is much cooler!!! Looking forward to the arrival of Fall and our upcoming vacation! Have a blessed week, dear friend!

  2. Sounds perfect to me! I hope to be out on the water wit our kayaks for that same view tonight!

  3. I'm glad you're enjoying your summer Sandi, I am too! I love your mugs, those are gorgeous!!!

    How lovely to have your little trailer home to go to! We've been having evening cocktails by the pool:) Enjoy! Before we know it, we'll be blogging about our Xmas decorations.

  4. Those new cups are so pretty and hydrangeas are always beautiful! I'm hanging out at home, enjoying a peaceful summer holiday. Wishing you a great week. Tammy

  5. I have one whole kitchen cabinet overflowing with coffee cups, but oh, those are sooo cute and very tempting!

  6. I took a client to Pier One last week. I had not been there in ages. We found some lovely things for her.
    Sounds like your summer is going well. :D

  7. That sandy beach looks so inviting and the mugs are pretty! Happy to hear you are having a lovely summer!

  8. Sounds like you've been having such a fun time....cocktails by the lake, shopping, decorating. Love it!

  9. Sounds like you're having a great summer, my dear. I just enjoyed a margarita with my man, too. Ahh...summer.
    Love your new mugs and that fabulous mantel.
    Miss you!

  10. Sandi- It looks like a pleasant summer at your place. I love the pop of blue on your mantle...and your view is calming and wonderful. I have been way too busy this summer and it is over half gone already---xo Diana

  11. So glad you are enjoying your summer Sandi!! Me too when I have the chance to. lol. Love your blue hydrangeas!!

  12. Your view of the lake and your new mugs are beautiful.

  13. Pretty hydrangeas, cute mugs, beautiful lake and a handsome guy - can't get any better!!

  14. Sandi,

    Those new cups you got from Pier One are ADORABLE!!!!! Thanks for sharing your sweet mantel! I love hydrangeas!


  15. I love that you are enjoying Summer as much as I am. I love the beautiful mugs and wow is that hydrangea bloom gorgeous! I am glad you and your guy are getting out and enjoying some camping too.
    I'm STILL drooling over your frame : )
    sending hugs...

  16. Sandi, you have the best hydrangas. They look so wonderful. Smiles, Susie

  17. The view of the lake is so serene.
    What a great place to enjoy some relaxation time with your sweetie.
    Your mantle looks lovely with the hydrangeas, Sandi.
    Have a great weekend.

  18. oh... dang! i haven't been up to much - but NOW i'm going to Pier 1!!! your mugs are GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    :) robelyn

  19. Oh, my...those blue hydrangeas are just gorgeous! And I LOVE the frame in the post below...I have such a weakness for frames like that. I hope you are having a wonderful summer!

  20. Sounds like you have the perfect thing going! I love that beautiful lake shot. Being next to water is so good for the soul. Nice to visit your beautiful blues too! Carry on!

  21. An evening at the lake sounds pretty wonderful and relaxing too! I love the hydrangeas...oh my, they're such a pretty color. Hope you're having a good week :)


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