Wednesday, May 2, 2012


I received the most beautiful package in the mail this past weekend.  I recently won a giveaway from Rebecca...

I have always wanted a handmade necklace...

Isn't it just lovely...

I took a few photos of it displayed on my whimsical cottage lampshade but knew where it should nest (when it is not around my neck)...

This is the gorgeous mirror I traded for with Maureen at the white show.  I knew it would be just perfect in my Paris Hotel Suite.
(Remember I put the old mirror that was here in my studio?)

I have my Grandmother's rosary hanging on an old column next to the mirror in the corner near my dresser and knew how perfect my necklace from Rebecca would look with it...

Don't you just love the detail on the mirror...

Alongside the perfectly chippy column... 

Both new treasures bringing more "joy" to my suite...

I have yet to paint this dresser and mirror white (which were both my Moms).  I do have another one of her dressers in my suite too and wonder if I should switch them as the old mirror matches the darker wood on this one better...

Do I paint everything?  Do I switch the dressers?
I am still on the fence I guess.

So for now I will just enjoy my new suite additions...

Thank you Rebecca!

Thank you  Maureen! 

Sharing my joy with Kathleen for White Wednesday.
Thank you for visiting!


  1. Congrats on your giveaway win! I love the necklaces hanging on that column..(which looks very familiar by the way) :)
    Hope to talk soon!
    Blessings & hugs,

  2. Rebeccas art pendants are a special joy to recieve. Not just because they are amazing, but because of the love she puts into each and every one.
    You are one lucky chick!

  3. Love the old mirror above your mom's old dresser too, it will look great painted white...And your new gift is lovely...Blessings to you this day

  4. That is a beautiful necklace and I love that you are going to display it.

    I know what you mean about the furniture. It is hard to decide sometimes, isn't it, what to keep as is and what to paint? xo Diana that mirror you traded for~

  5. A lovely necklace and it is stunning hanging on the column in your Paris Suite. Beautiful mirror!

  6. Sandi, I have a hard time saying "oh paint it" if it's good pieces in good shape. But I will say how wonderful you have your g.mother's rosery. I love the necklace too. :):) Smiles, Susie

  7. Congratulations on winning that giveaway.What a beautiful necklace.And I love it displayed.

  8. Your necklace is beautiful Sandi! It goes perfect with your column and mirror too. Congrats for winning!!

    I was rearranging some things today and can you believe I dropped one of my HEAVY beveled mirrors. The bottom wood piece came off and put a couple splits in it, so hubby will have to fix it. How dumb is that? I could not believe it , but at least the glass didn't break!!

  9. Hi Sandi, the necklace you receive is so beautiful and looks perfectly wonderful hanging there with your mom's rosary. I would definitely switch the dressers -- don't paint the darker one. It looks great. I love the mix of white with dark wood. Hope you are having a good week. It's been so busy around here. I just don't know where my times goes. Best wishes, Tammy

  10. What a wonderful necklace for you Sandi! It looks beautiful resting on that gorgeous column, next to that elegantly detailed frame. What a sweet suite!

  11. congrats on your beautiful win! really love your mirror and column, too! the necklace on the shade looks meant to be:)

  12. You found the perfect spot for your beautiful new nceklace.

    I've been riding that same fence for quite some time in our house with dark stained woodwork. It's a tough decision!

  13. Sandi,
    What a lovely gift! Rebecca must feel honored when she views her handmade necklace next to your grandmothers rosary! The two compliment each other! Elegant suite!

  14. Congrats on winning Rebecca's beautiful necklace, Sandi! It looks so perfect hanging by the rosary on that awesome column! :) know if you asked me whether or not you should paint something what I'd say.... lolol!

    xoxo laurie

  15. Congratulations on the giveaway win Sandi. The necklace is just beautiful...and it looks great next to your grandmother's rosary. Have a wonderful day.

    Hugs and Kisses,

  16. What a pretty necklace you won, Sandi!
    I love how you've displayed it with your other pretty things. Such a great vignette!
    You have such a talent for putting things together.

  17. it's a gorgeous piece! lucky you! it looks so lovely next to your beloved grandmother's rosary beads too. i love the mirror you swapped for and the whole vignette is so pretty ( i would paint the dresser but that's just me!) ;)

  18. Congratulations on the giveaway win! It is stunning...and looks beautiful with your grandmothers rosary! I love your column and mirror...I think you should go for it and paint!!!
    Thank you for is always appreciated!
    Have a beautiful day!

  19. That necklace is amazing! And I love the way you have it displayed on your chippy column! Absolutely wonderful!


  20. Ooh, the necklace is lovely and I love how you are displaying it, too! The dark dresser has a beautiful finish and would look good in a room of white. Sometimes I keep the wood, but sometimes I don't, so I know your dilemma!

  21. The necklace is lovely...and from a lovely lady, too!
    Have a great week!

  22. Lucky you...the necklace is SO pretty! And to answer your question...I probably won't be able to get to Brimfield until Sat or Sun...crazy busy at work.

  23. GASP! Your necklace is GORGEOUS! And i absolutely love the beautiful rosary too. They're both amazing, especially all posed with the column and the pretty new mirror...



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