Monday, April 30, 2012

old mill shoe rack...

I had a wonderful weekend and I hope you did too!
I have a new find to share with you...

A beautiful vintage double arm student desk lamp (why they call it that I do not does not sound pretty enough!).
It is marked "Made in Italy" and is in wonderful condition.
I know it has been in the same family for at least 75 years (maybe even 100).
I brought it into the shop and did a bit of fluffing in my booth this morning...

I think it looks great on the pink shabby dresser...

My booth is pretty full right now...

And with "saleing" season upon us I hope to keep it this way all summer long...

I put one of my old mill shoe racks in my space today too.
I really wanted to bring it home.
I would love to keep it but I just do not have the right spot for it in my home, as much as I tried to make it work...

Especially when I saw the latest Country Living and saw how great one of these looked in the Knott's beautiful home.
I wandered around my nest again to find the perfect spot...

photo from

Unfortunately the rooms in my home are just too small.
(Yes, I am pouting.)

If you have not seen this issue yet make sure you check out the Knott's feature online, their home is fabulous and full of inspiration...

Oh, and my magazine is sitting on my latest project which I am going to share with you on Friday!

Thank you all for coming by today ~ have a great week!!


  1. My home is too small also Sandi, but I love them as well!!
    PS Loving your full booth!

  2. I had one of those old racks many years ago and sold it. I've been sorry ever since...and am too stingy to buy one now at today's prices. Like you, home is really too small and I couldn't find just the right spot for it! Seller's remorse I guess. Love your lamp and it looks just right on the pink dresser. Your shop looks wonderful! Take care, Laura :)

  3. Oh, how I wish to have a place to put that old shoe rack in my home, too. Oh well - it looks great and enticing in your fabulous booth Sandi. Wish I could come back every weekend. :)

  4. You've got some gorgeous things in your booth! Don't you just hate it when you can't find a spot for a piece you love?!

  5. Your booth looks fantastic. I wish you were closer to me. I would be there when you opened up ~ drool ;-)

  6. Sandi- Your booth is looking full and fabulous! You have a lot of pretty things and that lamp goes beautifully with the chest is sits on.

    I hope you have a wonderful week-xo Diana

  7. Shoot! I saw one of those when we went to Missouri, I had no clue what it was but I thought it was pretty darn cool! Sure wish I had known then but I'd have the same where to put it but now I wish I had it!
    Your booth looks really good, I bet you have so much fun doing this...yes, I'm kinda jealous! :)
    Have a great week...

  8. Gorgeous booth, Sandi! Wow! And that shoe rack is utterly delicious! I'm moaning with you, dear. I wish I had room for one in my house. :)

    xoxo laurie

  9. Hi Sandi, love your booth and I spyed some cottage signs right up my creative ally :)

    And that country living feature is Wow! I so want to move in on that page.

    Thank you Sandi for all the beautiful encouragement you give to me when you visit, it means alot to me, more then you know !!

    I love that each and everyone of us in this fun blogging life can pick a little here and there that inspires something in us :)

    Have a beautiful inspiring week my sweet friend.

  10. Sandi, your booth looks great and that lamp is beautiful. I love a full booth.
    What do you mean ONE of your old mill shoe racks?!! I have always been on the hunt but they are always priced high. Your right, I hate it when I can't find a space for something I love. But for one of those something else might have to go. Enjoy your day~SueBee

  11. Your booth looks amazing!It does not matter how big or small your home is.When you love to collect and decorate it is never big enough LOL.

  12. I really, REALLY like the shoe rack..I would be so tempted to keep it for display...your booth looks great...the fuller the better:)
    Happy May Day!

  13. Wow...I could do some serious shopping in your booth!! It looks scrumptious!! And I would be sad, too, if I couldn't find room for that awesome shoe rack!! Feeling your pain!

    Looking forward to seeing your project!
    Hope your week is great!

  14. Your booth looks wonderful! I know just how much WORK that represents! I would just like to peek in there a little better. Yes! That rack is fabulous! You asked about piazzas and verandas. I think they are all the same thing but grander than a porch.


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