Wednesday, May 1, 2013

florentine finds...

Years ago, when we first moved into our home (which we bought from Jim's parents), his grandmother lived with us for a while in her own fully finished space downstairs.  When my son was little he use to "fix" his great grandmother's stack tables all the time.
Jake spent a lot of time with his "great nana" every day, doing word search puzzles together and watching television.
She would listen to all his tales from the day and he would share his dreams for the future.
He would always ask if she needed any help with anything and one day she asked if he could help tighten up the legs on her stack tables.
They were beautiful old florentine tables just like these that Courtney from French Country Cottage shared on Pinterest...

Every so often, Nana would loosen up the legs so Jake would have something to help her with.
She affectionately called him her "little man".
As I was hunting for treasures for the white show I came across a set of two of these old beauties.
When Jake saw them, his face lit up and he said I remember the ones I used to fix for great nana all the time!
Such a beautiful memory.
He asked if I was selling them and I replied no, not if you would like me to keep them.
He thought about it and said well, it's not a complete set and they are not great nana's, so no.
I asked for his help to tighten them up for me  ;)...

This set has now found a new home.  I wonder what story they have to tell?

Mary Ellen found a full set for the show and painted them a soft gray.
I am sure you've seen some on Pinterest already...

Last week I found an old florentine tray and a set of coasters that I am bringing in the shop this afternoon...

What old treasures have you found lately?

Today is May 1st which means camping season begins!
We just got a new trailer (so excited) and I will share some pictures with you next week!

May 1st also means my shift at the shop switches from Saturday mornings to Wednesday afternoons.
I am hoping to spy something new for my my kitchen wall today.
You all gave me such great suggestions and inspiration last week, thank you so much!

We also have a new Shop Girl starting today!
Some of you may remember Liz from her blog, "Vintage Lizzie".
I will be taking some photos of her space today and will share next week!

I am going to take a little blog break but will be back next week with lots of new stuff to share!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. What a beautiful story about your sun and grandma. The tables are gorgeous.

    Have beautiful days, my friend.

  2. Such a touching story. It really warms my heart. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.

  3. Such a sweet story! And such pretty little tables.


  4. What a sweet, endearing story. I love that this memory is so special to Jake, too. You've got a great 'little man' there!
    Your tables are fabulous, as are Mary Ellen's. Can't wait to see Vintage Lizzie's new space. So much going on in spring - congrats on the new camper Sandi!

  5. Aw. That was the sweetest story about Jake and nana.

  6. You always find such awesome things Sandi. It makes me crazy that I live so far from where you sell it all. I know I would be your best customer :)
    hugs from here...

  7. So sweet<3 Loved reading this story! Oh yes I too love these tables.Enjoy your blogging break.

  8. Sandi,
    What a beautiful story about your son and Nana. So sweet. Oh how I wish I lived closer to visit the shop. I know I would find so many treasures.
    Have a great rest of the week.

  9. Such a great story! I love the look of those stacking tables too. I like them either with the original finish or painted. It's great to find a whole set. Enjoy your break!

  10. What a delightful memory! The tables you've found are so pretty in your shop.

    Have fun camping! I love, love, love camping and am looking forward to the season starting soon. This weekend we plan to get ours ready. Can't wait to see pictures of your new trailer. Bet it's fabulous.

  11. So sweet! I love your new finds :)

  12. Sandi,
    I adore the story of Jake and his rememberance of his Nana's tables, dear friend!!!
    EnJOY your blogging break and hope you have the most gorgeous weather e v e r for camping!!!
    I'll be watching for your return!!!

  13. Gorgeous florentine pieces! I'd love to own a set like these, I find them so elegant and romantic. Great finds!


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