Monday, April 8, 2013

third annual At Home With White Show...

Where do I begin?
The Wrentham Country Store's third annual At Home With White Show was another huge success!
Again, my fellow Shop Girls blew me away with their inspiring, creative displays that they lovingly put together from vintage treasures and recycled pieces from the past, all in a palette of whites and creams, neutrals and naturals that warmed my heart and soul.
Take a peek...

I just fell in love with Jeannie's booth...

Next to Jeannie was my sister-in-law Christine who joined our shop as "White and Worn" last fall.  She did a wonderful job for her first time, don't you think...

Next to Christine was Sue, who always has a unique mix of treasures and blends them into a beautiful display...

The last (but not least) space I will share today is another new Shop Girl who also joined us last fall, Robin of Twisted Vintage (don't you love that name!).  She also hit it out of the park for her first white show...

In my next post I will share the other half of the tent, so I hope you will come back to see more!

I must send out a few thank yous...

First, thank you to all our customers friends, old and new, who came out and shopped 'til they dropped!  Your lovely compliments and support of the shop means the world to us!!

Next, thank you to all the Shop Girls for working so hard to get ready for the show and for being such great company all weekend!!

And finally, I also want to thank Mary Ellen for allowing me be a part of such an amazing shop, and also for including me in the creative process for this wonderful show!
It means the world to me!

I want to congratulate Mary Ellen and share with you all the exciting news that Jo-Anne Coletti came out and took some photos for an article on the show and shop for Romantic Homes Magazine's August issue!  Thank you Jo-Anne!

Dreams do come true!

Thanks for stopping by, I hope you come back to see the other half of the tent as well as inside the shop...lots more to see!


  1. Beautiful photos Sandi.....sigh wish I could have been there to shop! How wonderful that Jo Anne was there taking photos for a feature in Romantic homes...Congratulations!!!!!

  2. Wonderful merchandise and charming displays...thanks for sharing! Congrats on the feature too!


  3. Sandi,
    A M A Z I N G!!!
    Talk about being BLOWN AWAY...this is eye~candy overload!!! Such exquisite pieces enhanced with the white, creams and naturals!!! Thank you for photographying and sharing with us all of your inspirational co~workers and friends creativity!!!

  4. Such beautiful eye candy! Thank you for posting this and I'll be sure to stop back for more!

  5. Looks like a great many pretties!

  6. Hi Sandi. Is this what you do once a year, like a marked? So many beautiful things. Loved to be there.

    Hugs from me

  7. Oh wow, that looks like a treasure trove of shabby yumminess!!! I would love to have been there!

  8. Eye candy everywhere! I'd be proud to own every treasure I see. What an honor to be featured in Romantic Homes, I'll be watching for it:-)

  9. Looks like a fabulous show, Sandi! So glad it was a great success.
    Mary Alice

  10. I love to go to an all white show! Love having a peek! I love that birdcage in Jeannie's booth. That would have come home with me! Congratulations! It will be fun to see the feature in RH!

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  12. sandi-your photos are great!! seeing all these pretty spaces again makes me want to buy everything lol! It was great to be a part of (exxcept when I fell lol)!:) chris


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