Tuesday, April 23, 2013

a walk in the park...

Yesterday, my daughter and I went for a walk through 

From their website...
Borderland is one of the most historically significant tracts of publicly owned land in the Commonwealth. Created in the early 1900s by artist and suffragist Blanche Ames and her botanist husband Oakes, Borderland offers many of the same pleasures that the Ames family enjoyed: walking and horseback riding on woodland trails, fishing and canoeing in the ponds, or, in winter, ice-skating and sledding.

It was a lovely Spring day and as we walked and chatted we remembered it was Earth day and thought what better way to celebrate than to enjoy the beauty around us!

Again, from their website...
In 1906, Oakes Ames and his wife Blanche purchased land on the border of Sharon and Easton. The country estate they named “Borderland” remained in the family for 65 years. In 1971, two years after the death of Blanche Ames, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts acquired the estate and opened it as a state park. The family’s home, a three-storey stone mansion built in 1910, still stands. Its twenty rooms are furnished much as they were when the Ameses lived here; many of Blanche Ames’ paintings grace the walls. Their illustrious histories remain in the house which is open for scheduled tours

I have never toured the mansion but would love to some day.
They were working on the front of the mansion so I did not take any photos but just look at the wonderful old urns, imagine them back in the day full of gorgeous flowers...

We had a fun time together and am looking forward to doing it again!

You can see and learn more about this beautiful park on their website.

Thanks for visiting ~ have a great day!!


  1. Sandi,
    This mansion leaves one filled with intrique and wonder!
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. What a gorgeous park Sandi! Looks like a perfect place to welcome in warmer weather:)

  3. What a beautiful place to meander through. I would love to tour the mansion too. What a nice way to spend time with your daughter! Spring is looking lovely for you!

  4. What a beautiful park, Sandi. Love the photos.

    Hugs from me

  5. Oh wow, isn't that so cool, to walk those grounds, and think of them walking there before you, exactly the same as you guys, just appreciating how beautiful it all is. So timeless...


  6. Gorgeous, gorgeous place!! Oh I would have loved to walk around there.

  7. Gorgeous photos! These times with your daughter are so special!!
    Mary Alice

  8. What a beautiful way to spend the day, Sandi! And a beautiful place, too! Thanks for taking us with you today, girlie! :)

    xoxo laurie

  9. Hi Sandi,
    What a great day you had. Every picture so pretty. I love that mansion too. What history and character!!

  10. How wonderful of you to share this lovely place with your readers!

  11. Your post makes me miss Minnesota's spring, which I think is finally there! I would love to get inside that mansion!

  12. Such a pretty place to enjoy a Spring day. I'd like to sit on that bench for a while. xoxo,Susie


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