Friday, March 8, 2013

jake's room...

On this snowy day (another foot!) I thought I would finally show you my son's room makeover.
I have always let the kids pick their own colors for their rooms and put up what they wanted on the walls.
This time I took full control.
I wanted to bring some industrial into my house and what could be a more perfect place than Jake's room.


Sorry for the glare.

We pulled up the blue carpet and the floors were in great shape.
I really wanted to refinish the floors and go dark but they were in good shape so we just cleaned them up (and saved a bit of money).

I went from a sand color to an industrial gray and painted the trim white...

Again, sorry for the glare but here is the (almost) finished room...

The curtains are from Ikea.  I bought the same kind that are in my living room and den to help tie this room to the rest of the house...

The duvet cover and sheets are from Ikea as well but I do not like them, they are way too wrinkly!

Red rugs from rug from Walmart.

I had this table and chair which works out perfectly for a desk when he is home from college...

Chair pad from Walmart, mousepad from Ikea

I picked up the shade at the shop for a graphic touch.
Jake's first skateboard is in the corner and I framed his vintage skateboard blueprint prints...

Jake still skateboards around campus.

I shopped my booth for the black mirror and Mary Ellen's booth for the old gas station number as well as framing an album cover of one of his favorite bands.  I am still looking for a bureau as this one is headed for the white show along with the matching nightstand and desk that were also in his room...

We bought new closet doors and I got the sign from Pottery Barn on sale...

He is in college now!

Jim brought home some wood he found curbside and I have been saving it for a headboard for Jake's bed.
I think this is my favorite part of the room...

See what I mean about the wrinkles?

Jim sanded the planks and then sealed it...

I had an old black table I picked up at a yard sale ($5) that I am using for his nightstand. Not sure that it is the perfect fit though...

New shade for old lamp and red tote from Walmart

The art work over the nightstand is an award winning photo from one of his friends...

Award winning photograhy by Matthew MacDonald

I am still on the lookout for something cool to hang on the wall over his bed...

Any suggestions?
I am also not sure about the pop of red, what do you think?

Jake's room makeover was fun to do!
While it was a little out of my comfort zone I feel I stayed true to myself and my home by using vintage pieces and things that Jake loves.
I started the room back in the Fall and had most of it done by Winter break.
The most important thing is that Jake likes it!

I am joining
Jennifer Rizzo for her Fabulously Creative Friday
Debra at Common Ground for Be Inspired.

Have a wonderful weekend!!


  1. Hi dear Sandi.
    I love the colors in the room. It looks soo great with that wood over the bed. A great room.(my english is not so great)

    Have a nice weekend.


  2. love the skateboard prints and the friends cool photo, esp! oh, and that university ave. sign--great room, sandi:)

  3. The room looks wonderful. You did a great job of tying everything together and I really like how so many things have such special meanings- xo Diana

  4. Wow! You should go into business! It all seems very edgy to me. I'm not at all surprised that he likes it. A wonderful mix of rustic and modern. The red seems so instinctive, and a perfect touch. My favorite is all the artwork and the personal touches. I don't think you need a thing on that wall! Well done!

  5. Fabulous makeover Sandi! Mr. Jake has got the industrial look for his room indeed. You did a wonderful job of picking out colors and vintage pieces that all blend well together. The PB sign is perfect over his closet. Love the gray on the walls, too. I think the pop of red looks great - keeps the room from being too somber with gray/black. I love how you personalized his space with special mementos and artwork. What a great Mom you are!
    (oh and that headboard - to die for!)
    Please come do Charlie's room when he's older. :)

  6. Sandi,
    I love the room...especially for a college student! I love the red, but think a red throw or more red pillows on the bed would spread the color more evenly around the room!!! You have done a splendid job, dear friend!!! I'll be back to see a "new" dresser and your choice over the bed!!!

  7. Great looking room! I love the vintage skate board prints and the sign above his closet!

  8. The room looks great!
    The most important thing is...your son is happy with it.

  9. Great transformation Sandi! Great color and attention to detail! I bet he loves it!

  10. I think it looks great and I like the red, a tiny bit more red would tie it all together. You did a great job!

  11. Any young man could be proud to have such a great room. You did a great job on it.

  12. The room looks great!! I love the color and the touches of vintage! You did a wonderful job pulling it all together.

  13. Great makeover Sandi!! I need to make over some rooms too! UGH! I need my ship to come in...rather my YACHT! HA HA!!

  14. I think my favorite is the headboard too! I also really like all of the artwork; the framed album, framed skateboard prints, the number, and his friends artwork! Gret job!

  15. How lucky for you that the floors were in such good shape! I love the trim painted white and the new color you chose. It really updates the room! How about mounting a skateboard to the empty wall, or making shelves from a skateboard? The skateboard blueprints are a nice touch.

  16. The room looks great! Love the score on the Pottery Barn sign!

  17. It looks awesome! I really like the gray walls.. and you had those amazing floors under the carpet!!? How great is that! I love the skateboard blueprints, and the artwork. The headboard is really cool too. What a great job, no wonder he likes it!


  18. Sandi, I think you did a great job on your son's room. I understand the challenge it can be for a more masculine look using vintage pieces.
    Mary Alice

  19. Sandi, I really like Jake's room. It's perfect for him now. Manly. Don't you miss him?:):) The headboard is wonderful. I like that re-worked pieces of furniture. Great ideas. xoxo,Susie

  20. I love his room and the headboard is my favorite too. I don' t care for the pops of red, i think I would use more natural elements to go with the headboard instead...or just stay with black. Black and white are always industial. Oh love that U iversity Ave sign too!


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