Wednesday, January 16, 2013

pinterest wish list...

It's snowing here today.
I am enjoying the beautiful white view out my window this morning.
With no pressing errands to run and being in between projects for the shop and my nest, I have a feeling it is going to be a Pinterest kind of day!
On my "wish list" Pinterest board I pinned this beautiful white firkin filled with hydrangeas...

I missed out on one (not white) at the shop a few months ago.
I could kick myself.
I should know better since treasures like that go quickly at the shop.
While I was out treasure hunting this past summer with my girlfriends, Sue spied an old bucket that we thought would be a good choice until I found a real firkin.  It is great having extra eyes looking for the stuff you like isn't it!
I finally painted it the other day...

Thanks Sue!
Of course since I had a new vignette in my den I needed to fluff a little more.  
I actually made a new pillow.
Ok, I really did not "make" a new pillow.  I just used an extra valance and "covered" a pillow...

My Mom made these valances a long time ago for her kitchen and now they hang in mine.
Having only two windows, I am happy to finally use the extra one and wonder why I did not think of this earlier!
I would love real pillows made with this material (by a professional of course).
Anyone recognize it and know where I might be able to buy some?

Well, thanks for visiting today!
I am joining Becky for Blissful Whites Wednesday where I am sure I will find plenty of other things to pin today!

You can check out my Pinterest wish list board and all my others here.


  1. What beautiful pinterest inspiration! I have a bucket I found a year ago but I am not sure it it was a furkin or not.In the middle is a piece of wood separating the two sides.I painted mine white too! I hope I did not d-value something that may have had value.Oh well I like it better white! Right now I have it in my kitchen on my china cabinet holding my wood boards.Have fun pinning.Today is the day I am switching to WP so it may disappear for a bit.

  2. Your bucket looks a lot like that firkin, Sandi. Your vignette is perfect! The fabric on your pillow is just lovely, too. If you ever find more of the fabric, I don't mind whipping up pillow cover(s) for you. You can just send me the fabric & measurements. Easy!
    Enjoy this pretty snow,

  3. I think your knock off "firkin" is every bit as lovely as the real thing. Now to find that lovely easel and painting in the pinterest photo, oh my!

  4. Sandi,
    Love your newest vignette!
    Your near find is such a great impostor.
    You pillow is such subtle hues! Those are difficult to find! I always seek out vintage fabrics, curtains, bedspreads, tablecloths and the like when I'm out at our local Antique Mall!
    EnJOY your SNOW...again, it's 50 + degrees on the Prairie!

  5. So pretty! Being a southern kinda girl, I do love hydrangeas and the bucket looks just great!

  6. such a pretty vignette...we have some flurries here, anxious for spring!

  7. Love the pillow and your white bucket. Sweet.xoxo,Susie

  8. Your vignette and painted bucket with the hydrangeas is so pretty and looks just as good as the one on your wish list board. This post made me wonder whatever happened to a firkin I bought last summer. I must have buried it somewhere and now I'm going out to look for it:-) Love the pretty pattern on your pillow too.

  9. Your hydrangeas look gorgeous in that little bucket painted white! I'm soooo pinning them... and great pillow, i've "covered a pillow the exact same way!, i bet someone will know where to find that fabric too...


  10. Beautiful! I've got quite a large Pinterest wish list, too! Pretty addictive place, isn't it?!

    Wishing you a wonderful day--stay warm!


  11. Your painted bucket looks great and your pillow is lovely.
    Hugs, Cindy

  12. Just Beautiful.. Very inspiring of course.
    Loving your Blog-


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