Wednesday, January 30, 2013

old crush and old trunks...

Why do winter colds last so long?
It has been about 3 weeks for me.
Longer for Jim.
Seems like forever.
I am finally on the zpac.  I actually stayed on the couch all day yesterday and caught up on some taped shows and watched a few episodes of Big Valley on MeTV.
(Did anyone else have a crush on Heath?)

Anyway, I am hoping that tomorrow I can get back to painting.
The big push is on as our 3rd annual
At Home With White Show
at the shop is coming up on April 6th and 7th.

This is my tent space from last year

Prepping for the show, in addition to keeping my booth full (I just sold two big items) and working on some winter projects around my home is going to keep me very, very busy for the next few months.
Treasures have been starting to pile up downstairs as they get cleaned up or painted waiting for the show like this old steamer trunk ~ before...

And after...

Jim actually brought the old trunk home one day along with this other one...

This old beauty has already been painted and brought to the shop...

I love them in white, don't you?

Thank you for stopping by!

Joining in on the fun at


  1. That camel back trunk is a lot like one my mom has. It came over on a covered wagon and was her hope chest. I love the way it looks painted white...wonder if I could convince her to paint it? Hope you get better soon!


  2. Sandi, That old trunk is fabulous in white. I could see it piled full of flowers, with the lid up, in a foyer.xoxo,Susie

  3. Love them white too. Beautiful


  4. Sandi,
    Gorgeous old trunks and the white seems to accentuate all the details!!!
    Sorry to hear about your Winter cold, dear friend!!!
    Take care of yourself!
    Looking forward to see all your treasures for your upcoming all White show!!!

  5. Sorry about the cold..the ones here hung on forever! Those trunks look great. I am trying to get my nerve up to paint the one I have. xo Diana

  6. Now you've got me counting the days until the AHWW show. Those trunks - fabulous!!!
    Rest easy and kick that cold, my dear.

  7. I love old trunks! So dramatic and beautiful in white! Get better!

  8. What a beautiful trunk and even prettier painted in white:)

  9. Hope you're feeling better this evening, Sandi! My husband had a bad cold like that over Christmas. Second year in a row! Ugh. Your booth looks absolutely beautiful, girlie! You have such a gift for creating stunning vignettes!!! :)

    xoxo laurie

  10. Your trunk looks fabulous painted white!


  11. I hope you recover quickly so you can get everything done! The detail really pops on those old trunks when they're painted white. I don't think they will last too long!

  12. Sounds like a fun busyness getting ready for the spring show! I know what you mean about colds and such hanging on. Trying to shake one myself.
    Thanks for coming by and always such nice comments.
    Mary Alice

  13. Busy here too! Oh yes I LOVE those trunks white!

  14. Hi Sandi, your show looks already beautiful with your lovely things, although I know I couldn't part with the trunk, and yes, I love it in white! I am now following your lovely blog (I know you were following me before) and would love you to follow my new blog! It's great to be getting my old blogging buddies back! Your blog is full of inspiration and creativity! Simply divine! xo Pam

  15. Oh Sandi,
    That trunk is great in the white and oh how I loved looking at your pictures from last years booth. Oh I could have been shopping in your booth for some time!!! Lot's of fun treasures for sure.

  16. White ...white ...white ...beautiful trunks ....Thanks for posting heads up on the dates of your sale ..I live in New Brunswick Canada and so looking forward to hopefully attending your sale ...Perhaps Convincing Lori from All things Chic 2 to come along for the ride ...Have a blessed Day and may your cold go away !!!Leona

  17. Had a crush? Girl I still call him "Heat"!
    Love the trunks painted snowy white. Good job.
    Hope you get back to feeling right as rain PDQ.

  18. Feel better soon Sandi. It seems everyone has caught something this season. Knock on wood so far I have been safe.

  19. I hope you start feeling better real soon, Sandi.
    You have such a way with setting up your booth. I'm sure it all works to sell your wonderful treasures.
    I'm partial to, of course, I will say yes to the white trunks!!
    Have a good weekend.

  20. Fun, fun! They are beautiful in white, they were beautiful before, too, though!


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