Wednesday, January 23, 2013

another estate sale keeper...

Back in September I shared how I warmed up my Paris Hotel Suite for fall with this old distressed bureau...

You can read more from that post here.

While I liked the look, the piece just did not fill the space enough.
And, to be honest, I grew tired of the color and longed for a white piece.
So, I brought it in the shop a few weeks ago and sold it the same day!
A young couple bought it for a new house they were building and are going to use it for a vanity for a bathroom sink.
Why didn't I think of that?

I filled the space in my bedroom right away with the other piece I kept from the great estate sale I went to down the street from me...

The bureau was white with some hearts stenciled on the top drawer.  It was easy to fix with a fresh coat of paint.
It is an old heavy piece and I love the side detail...

The crisp white that I used made my comfy white chair look creamy white... I switched the mirrors to even things out...

Don't you think it is a better fit for the space...

I do and you all know how I love vintage whites!

Thank you so much for visiting!

Joining in on the fun at


  1. Sandi,
    Love, love, love this white dresser!!!
    I knew the other sold the same day before I read it...those are not easy to come by and are quick to sell!!!
    Your estate $ale dresser is a better fit and more in keeping with the design of your home. I adore where you've placed it, dear friend!!!
    Switching out the mirrors is exquisite!!! Elegant view of the vignette in the oval mirror!
    Thanks for sharing your great Estate $ale finds with us...makes one want to go see what treasures are within our own neighborhoods!!!

  2. We all know in our hearts what will make us happy. If we put together a corner in a room, and it just doesn't "feel" right...sooner or later, we will end up changing it. Eventually we will get it right, and our heart will be happy. Your room is beautiful, Sandi. I am glad that you found the piece that made your heart sing.

  3. Wow! I love that gray chest, but I know what you mean. The white feels better to me too. Funny how whites play off each other. I like what you did bringing in the mirror. It's sort of endless isn't it? But that a good thing!

  4. The white dresser is gorgeous - love that it has legs so it is nice and airy with the chair!

    Love that you love your whites!

  5. Sandi I LOVE that piece! As pretty as that other piece was I think that pop of white works so much better in your room! Beautiful!

  6. Oh Sandi
    I love the replacement and how you styled the suite. Its very lovely. Love your new header. Have a terrific week


  7. I love how it turned out, Sandi.
    What a different when you switched the mirrors. I was surprised to see how it changed the room.

    Hugs from me

  8. Sandi, it looks just beautiful! Thank you for your sweet comment, we are hoping for once a month at this point, but I dream of the day we can do once a week:). Have a great day, Jen

  9. How pretty! That chair looks so wonderfully comfortable! What a cozy space!

  10. Your suite is sweet! Ha! Sorry, couldn't resist! And I love your white suitcases with the pillow on top.


  11. Oh pooh, I totally forgot to do a BWW post today:( Anyway, I think the dresser looks fabulous there! Your little space looks like such a cozy place to sit, drink your morning coffee and read blogs:)

  12. It's soooo pretty. The whites, with the mirror and the chandy and the soft blue together are so yummy. I really like the burlapy pillow in the mix too..


  13. I loved the darker chest when I saw it, then saw the white and your right it does look better, love the way the arrangement is! Thanks for visiting, Celeste

  14. Don't you just love it when a plan comes together like your desire for a white dresser. Love this look.

  15. Love, love, love the new one! And it does seem to have a better fit among your other pieces.


  16. Beautiful piece Sandi!! Love it!

  17. Yes, it's beautiful! I love your candleabra in the corner too!

    Kelly @ View Along the Way

  18. I like it, it fits the space better and the white is perfect!

  19. I like it a lot better, Sandi. I think you are right- while I loved the first one it wasn't bulky enough to stand up to the furniture. Great job - it all looks great! xo Diana

  20. Sandi,
    It is all so pretty. I love the chair right where you have it. It looks comfy and cozy and you just want to curl up with a good book or ipad and pinterest!!!!! Really pretty.

  21. This space is so pretty, love it! I love that chandelier..was that a find or is there somewhere the rest of us can get it from?

  22. It looks great! You're right on the size is much better. I love these old pieces and yours is in great shape.

  23. Oh yes, this dresser is a good fit (although the original dresser was fantastic) and I love your new paint job on it! You're right, the side of the dresser is really neat. Great addition to the suite Sandi!

  24. What a beautiful white dresser! I love the details on the side and at the bottom! It looks great next to that really comfy looking chair! I just want to curl up and read a good book there!

  25. A new piece for you and you sold the old one, too! Doesn't get any better than that. It looks like you've got more storage space in your new white dresser, too.

  26. They are both lovely but you are right the new white dresser is a better size and brightens the room.
    Good luck with the contest. I'll go over and vote for you.

  27. Sandi,
    This is the perfect size and look!


  28. I love both pieces - each has it's own unique personality, but both equally gorgeous. Very pretty.

  29. I love this space! So inviting. I am with you, I like the white dresser better too! But I'll bet that other one will make a fantastic vanity.:)


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