Monday, December 17, 2012

wrapping day...

Today was wrapping day.
Since the kids were both home I closed the door to my bedroom (or my Paris Hotel Suite), lit my tree and got to work...

Do you find it harder to buy for your kids as they get older...

Mine really never ask for much...

They really don't "need" anything...

They have been more nice than naughty and I am sure Santa will be good to them...

As I wrapped I thought about the Christmas mornings when they were little...

And I realized how time flies...

And how lucky I am to have all these memories...

Then as I was finishing up, I continued to pray for the families in Connecticut and hope their memories bring them some comfort.

Thank you for stopping by and I hope you have a peaceful week!


  1. I find it extremely hard to buy for my boys now! They're all getting gift cards this year!

    I think everyone's hearts are heavy this year. So much sadness...but all the more reason to cherish those memories, like you said!

  2. I know what you mean about buying for older kids...I find it so much harder. When they were little a car or a barbie (or 2 or 10) :) would make them happy. Now, it is hard to know what expensive video game they want (mine are teenagers). But luckily like yours, mine don't ask for much and are happy with anything I get them. They still get excited for Christmas though--not so much the gifts but for the traditions and seeing family and things we have done since they were babies. Your tree looks pretty as do your gifts. Enjoy the holidays!

  3. I love that wrapping paper! I haven't even finished my shopping yet!

    As my children got older, I had an allotted amount that I spent all 3 of them. Each child would get a special shopping night alone with me. We would go out to dinner and then shop till all their money was gone! Some times is was easy, other times we would go all over town, but is was fun! They looked forward to this every year. Now they are married, I still have that allotted amount set aside, but most of time we don't get to shop any more! :(

    Have a wonderful Holiday!

    My heart goes out to all those who've lost loved ones!


  4. Sandi yes the years go by so fast! My daughter who is only 13 is as tall as me.How did that happen?I still need to wrap.Hoping to do that tomorrow.She does not need anything either.But we are blessed and she will have a nice Christmas.I too am keeping those effected by that senseless shooting in my prayers and will continue to do that.They will never be forgotten.

  5. me too Sandi...spent the day wrapping presents...and praying for heartbroken families and others who are suffering this Christmas.
    Meanwhile...there are still so many things to attend to as we get ready to gather with family ...and so many blessings to be grateful for.
    Wishing you and your family lots of joy and peace.
    Laura xo

  6. Always love to visit your blog and see what you are sharing with us. You have such a way with words Sandi!! Merry Christmas!!

  7. Always love to visit your blog and see what you are sharing with us. You have such a way with words Sandi!! Merry Christmas!!

  8. your gifts and home look so pretty and festive! I don't have kids to buy for, but I will say that my husband is very hard to buy for. Enjoy the last few days before Christmas!!

  9. Their wish list sure gets more expensive as they get older! My teenager begged me to let him wrap all his younger brothers gifts this year. I really don't enjoy wrapping so I have been more than happy to let him! :)

  10. You've inspired me to get my wrapping done. It is a blessing to have wonderful family memories.
    Mary Alice

  11. So many pretty things here... The wrap, the crowns, the ornaments. Love those skinny tall trees! So nice you have a beautiful space to tuck away in and wrap gifts. A perfect time for meditation. Have a Happy family Christmas!

  12. i miss those days too! would give anything to go back and unwrap one of those handmade clay angels or snowmen. as a matter of fact, when tim asked me what i wanted for xmas this year i grinned and pointed to my cloche full of his clay figures. he laughed and then we "went down memory lane" with each one of them (that was a gift in know?) sigh...

    your paris bedroom suite is just lovely!

  13. My boys -- even the big one, don't need a thing, that's for sure. Your little tree is so sweet! So sad and imaginable what happened in Connecticut. Blessings to you and yours, Tammy

  14. Sandy,
    What a precious memorial to the vicitms of Newton and their families! Thank you, dear friend!!!
    Your Paris Hotel Suite is S W E E T, indeed!!! What precious, simplistic decor for Christmas! Those presents are gorgeous under your tree!!! Enjoy this last week before the festivites of family for Christmas!!!

  15. This is a sweet post, Sandi. I can imagine you in that lovely Paris suite of yours with that glowing tree and those amazing vintage ornaments, wrapping away with memories in your heart.
    I've been kissing & hugging my babies so much these past few heavy-hearted days. Each day is precious and a blessing. Merry Christmas to you and your lovely family who will always be your babies!

  16. Wow Sandi, you are way ahead of me, I haven't even begun my shopping yet.
    Everything looks so beautiful, you did such a lovely job on decorating!!
    I hope your doing well and have a wonderful day.

  17. Your Paris suite looks like a lovely place to sit in the quiet and remember as you wrap this year's gifts. Have a wonderful Christmas with those you hold near and dear.

  18. As the kids get older it gets harder to buy them gifts I think... And a lot more expensive!!!! My oldest Grandson got $200 cowboy boots! YIKES!!!! I remember when we got him little boots for $50 & a western holster with cap guns (not so very long ago!). Merry Christmas!

  19. It does get harder as they get older. Your tree and home look festive and pretty. Merry Christmas, thanks so much for stopping by.

  20. Hi Sandi,

    Oh your home just looks lovely for the holidays!!! And yes, time does eldest will be a senior next year while my youngest starts kindergarten!!! Wishing you a lovely holiday!!!


  21. Beautiful wrapping and decor, thanks for sharing it with us!


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