Friday, December 28, 2012

just stuff...

I hope your Christmas day was Merry...

We found out Christmas morning that our best friend's home caught fire on Christmas Eve.  Everyone is safe and nobody was hurt.
Even their sweet cat Lovey was saved.
Thank you God.

Coming together with our other great friends a few days later to help them salvage what they could, was a day I won't soon forget.
Unfortunately, they lost pretty much everything.
Seeing their strength as they sifted through the mess was amazing.
Through the tears, a few smiles and the sound of laughter began to appear.
As well as the positives.

They still have each other.
And the rest of it is just stuff.
My wish is that their good memories will keep them strong and help them through.

The rebuilding will begin and that time will help them heal...

Hoping they are all nested in their new home way before next Christmas.

I reminded her of just how much fun all us girls will have this summer spending time together vintage treasure hunting again to help her feather her new nest!

Thank you all so much for stopping by.
I would love it if you would keep our friends in your thoughts and prayers.

I'm joining Debra for her Christmas Vintage Inspiration party at Common Ground.
I would like to thank her for featuring my post from last week!

Have a great weekend!


  1. My prayers are with your friend and her family. I know you must be a wonderful support for her right now.

  2. So sorry to hear this. That is a very sad situation. It's good to hear that you were able to be there for them as they rebuild.

    Best wishes for the new year...


  3. Congratulations on being featured!
    I am sorry to hear about your friends.I agree it is all just stuff life is what is more important! I will keep them in my prayers!

  4. Oh, I feel so sorry for them. It must be so hard to loos everything you own. Hope it goes ok with your friends.

    I wish you and yours a very happy and creative new year.


  5. I feel so bad for your friend, but thankfully she is okay!! Prayers for them as they pick up the pieces.

  6. I feel so bad for your friend, but thankfully she is okay!! Prayers for them as they pick up the pieces.

  7. Sandi, I am so sorry for your friend's loss. But thankful for the blessing of the family and the pet being safe. Wishing you and yours a great new year.xo,Susie

  8. Oh Sandi,
    I'm so sorry to hear about your dear friends!!!
    If they are taking donations of home goods, let me know, I would love to send them a few things.
    Wishing you a wonderful and joyous New Year my friend!!

  9. Thank God nobody got hurt. With the support of friends like you, I'm sure they will power back. All the best in the coming year for you, your family, and your friends.

  10. Oh my goodness--my friends house burned out on Christmas eve too! They are all okay (shooken up) but lost everything. What a terrible time of year for this to happen.

  11. Sandi- I will say a prayer for your friend. How sad- especially at Christmas time. Blessings to you and I know you are a comfort to her- xo Diana

  12. oh my....i can't imagine losing everything i own!! i am not a materialistic person but oh my...i treasure so many things in this home of ours. i will pray for your friends..please let me know if there is anything i can do to help!!

  13. Your friends will be in my prayers for strength in the coming days. Heartbreaking as it is, I know they are thankful that their real treasures, their family, came through it safely.
    I'll also be praying for you as you help your friend through this challenging time.
    Blessings on you all.

  14. How devastating to lose your home this time of year. Your friend is lucky to have such a good support system in her friends and a positive outlook, too.

    Congratulations on the feature!

  15. Oh no, that is an awful thing to happen, but thank goodness they are all okay. And good that you are there to help see them through this difficult time. Best wishes and blessings to all, Tammy

  16. Oh that is so sad Sandi:( Like you said, the most important thing is nobody was hurt, but to lose everything must be truly devastating! Prayers for them and your friend will have the best "thrifting/fleaing" buddy possible in you:)

  17. I'm sorry to hear of your friends' loss of their home...I am sure they are comforted by good friends and their positive attitude!

  18. OH that is so tragic..wishing you and them nothing but the best for the new year,xo

  19. Sandi,
    So sorry to hear of your friends loss!
    Prayers are coming your way, dear friend!!!
    When a dear friend of ours lost their home to fire years ago, the community pulled together with a photo album. We all went through our own photos and found pictures with their family and put it together along with a fund~raising dinner to help purchase new items for their home! I'm sure you and others will come up with creative ways to bring JOY into their lives and home, once again!

  20. So sorry to hear your friend lost her belongings, but thankful they are safe. She will need you for strength during the rebuilding and I know you will be there for them.
    WIshing them and you a Happy New Year.

  21. I'm so sorry to hear about your friends' home Sandi. Thank God they are all okay & no one was harmed.
    I will keep them in my prayers and wish for blessings for them (and you, such a good friend) for 2013.
    Happy New Year!!


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