Wednesday, November 7, 2012

whiter booth...

For Becky's Blissful Whites Wednesday today I thought I would show you some pictures of my booth.
I had strayed away from having a booth full of vintage white treasures.
I warmed my space up for our Vintage Fall Market Weekend...

 I like the old wood pieces but the country feel is just not me.
So I am happy to say I am well on my way to whitening it back up for the winter...

The vintage bureau used to be pink.
It was in my daughter's room for a while, then in the shop for a while...

I think the details are prettier in white (and not everyone likes roses)...

I brought in some new mirrors...

And made some new displays mixing the vintage whites and some wooden pieces with a great rusty old spring for a back drop...

I love the way my booth looks now and it will be the perfect backdrop for some simple displays I am putting together for our Holiday Market Open House and Sale...

Thanks for hosting today Becky and thank you for stopping by!


  1. I love the burau and the mirrors. They looks beautiful after your makeover.

    Hugs from me.

  2. Pretty! Of course I love the white too. Wish I could come shop!

  3. Sandi,
    I enJOYed seeing your booth BOTH ways!!! And while I did like the Fall look, I truly understand when you just isn't me!!! I wanned away from the Traditional for awhile in my own home decor and I have missed it TERRIBLY!!! Oh, your booth looks so fresh and's going to be a "KNOCK~OUT" for the Holiday Open House!!! Much continued success, dear friend!!!

  4. Sandi I agree I love the white better! I do love a bit of wood added too with white.But not so much! Your booth looks beautiful love those white painted pieces!

  5. Love that dresser and all the white looks just beautiful!

  6. I feel the same. I ALWAYS gravitate to a white booth. Love your space and that dresser is divine!!

  7. Yep I love the white too!! Great pieces for your booth!!

  8. Yep I love the white too!! Great pieces for your booth!!

  9. So pretty. White does bring out the details. I love those mirrors. Booth looks great! Hope you are well. Nice to come by for a visit.

  10. Your booth looks wonderful all dressed in white! I do think you were right about the dresser too...the details really look prettier painted white...Have a good night...we already have 3 inches of snow...:)

  11. love the white...surprised?? i will put the holiday market on the calendar and make plans with susan to head your way! can't waiT!!

  12. Looks like fun
    treasures Love it all

  13. wow, it's fabulous! that dresser is totally transformed! sometimes i try different things at the shop that just aren't "me" and it just doesn't feel right! my mom and dad were so wise when they always told me "be true to yourself"!

  14. It looks so good....wish I could just drop right on by. I know I would buy something. I always had mostly whites in my booth too but I was always finding some great old primitive piece I just had to sneak in there. That always seemed to be the piece that sold first. :) Happy Thursday! xo

  15. You can never have too much white! I am in love with those gorgeous mirrors, and the dresser is beautiful, too!

  16. It is BEAUTIFUL Sandi! I love the whites and especially that dresser. I think I am totally in love it's mirror! Why oh why do I have to live so far from you??? How many times have I said that now : )
    You have such a great eye my friend!

  17. Hi, I haven't stopped by for awhile been really busy but I have to say I love your all white booth, the dresser was cute but is now amazing!!! Hope you are doing great all pics are lovely

  18. OH my the booth is just beautiful! The dresser is amazing! Hope you are well.

  19. Oh, Sandi! Your booth is just beautiful! I do like all the whites in your booth. And that dresser.....oh my. I love it! :)

    xoxo laurie

  20. Thank you Sandy for making it over to share your time with me.
    Love your booth in any colour, or patina of age. Of course the whites being so popular, and the mix of the aged pieces adding that collected look of vintage farmhouse feel.
    I could see myself finding little treasures to add to the mix of my brocante home right from your shop space.

    I would keep some of your golds and rust with your return of a heavy dose of whites it looks like a booth that I would love to shop in on a regular basis if I were living much closer to you.

    Have a beautifully inspiring week to come.

  21. Great booth, I wish I could visit and shop there.

  22. Whiter and brighter! Your booth looks terrific Sandi. I love the transformation of the pink roses bureau. So JDL now!

  23. I wish that I could walk in and shop, shop, shop . . so many beautiful things :) I love the white chest of drawers . . . just not sure which one I like the best . . . they are so pretty.


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