Wednesday, September 12, 2012

summer's treasures...

Good Morning!
For White Wednesday today I thought I would share with you some of this summer's treasures that I am keeping in addition to the old bureau I showed you yesterday.
If you missed it you can see it here

I finally bought a demi john for myself from Jeannie at the shop...

I also found this wonderful rusty old scale...

I thought they would make a nice vignette together...

Today is a beautiful day!
Before I head out treasure hunting, I think I will visit Kathleen and see what inspiration I can take with me!
Thank you for hosting Kathleen!!

Thank you for visiting ~ before you leave, don't forget to enter my giveaway!!
Have a wonderful day!

P.S.~you can find me on Facebook too!


  1. Sandi,
    I adore how the green of the demi~john and the hydrangea compliment one another in your vignette!!! "Treasure Hunting" is always an never knows what they might find! EnJOY!!!

  2. Sandi, I love your white vignette. My favorite thing is the window.:)I am going to be looking for those demijohns now..seems to be the in thing. xo, Susie
    p.s. How Jake doing at college?

  3. Beautiful always love your pretty vignettes

  4. Sandi,
    Great finds!!! Still have not found a Demi John.Your vignette looks beautiful! Have fun treasure hunting!

  5. What a terrific fall vignette, Sandi. That scale is fabulous. Oh, and I adore your new bureau in the earlier post!!!
    Not to fret about the lost decals, it still looks amazing.
    Nice white suitcases, too (wink wink - I still love mine!).

  6. I love that scale. All together is just beautiful.

    Hugs from here

  7. Beautiful beautiful vignettes, Sandi! :) Time for some autumn floofing! lol!

    xoxo laurie

  8. You're right! They look fantastic together! Nice to see you keeping something! haha! Your booth is also looking great!

  9. I just passed up a demi John at Junk Bonanza and could kick myself. Darn!


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