Tuesday, August 14, 2012

making a move...

I have been quite busy...

Not only have I been busy enjoying lazy summer days at my campground (yes, life is good) as well as shopping and packing things up to get ready to send Jake off to college, but I have also been hunting and gathering...

I can see you smiling Michelle and Susan!

I have been treasuring hunting and saving all these beauties...

Because in a few short weeks...

I will be making a move to a bigger space at the shop!
I am very excited...

It has been a good distraction because the summer days are slipping away and Jake's move in day is coming too fast...

I have also been hunting and gathering for our
Vintage Fall Market Weekend
that will be held at the end of the month on
September 29th and 30th.
But I am going to keep those treasures a secret for a bit longer!

I am sharing my finds with Kathleen for White Wednesday!

Oh...and I am also excited that I won Kristin's giveaway over at Faded Prairie for Jeanne Oliver's
Thank you so much ladies and thank you for stopping by!


  1. Looking forward to seeing your BIGGER space:)


  2. Congrats on moving to a bigger space, Sandi! Good for you-Sounds like you have been one busy gal- xo Diana

  3. Sandi,
    Congratulations on getting a larger space and for your giveaway win!

  4. very exciting! looks like you have some wonderful treasures! can't wait to see!

  5. A bigger space ought to keep you busy! That sounds like fun!

  6. How exciting that you are moving to a bigger space! And how exciting for Jake to be going off to college. I remember the day my mom dropped me off at college, although I was only 45 minutes away, I felt like she was a lifetime away. I hope you enjoy your last few moments with him at home!


  7. You sound like a busy lady ... best wishes to Jake as he heads off to college and best wishes to you as you expand your business. All good! Looks like you have a great eye for buying as well.

  8. How exciting, Sandi!! I know it will be fun to expand!! Love the treasures you've sold, and I'm sure your customers will, too!
    Happy WW!

  9. Wishing you all the best as you move to your bigger space and prepare for the Fall market. The e-course sounds like fun. Happy mid-week to you. Tammy

  10. Happy White Wednesday. I'm making my rounds. Your photos are lovely...everything is so charming and romantic. Thanks for sharing.

    ciao bella
    Creative Carmelina

  11. Congratulations on moving on up to a bigger space! I love that mirror:) Congrats on your win too. I'm sure it's bittersweet packing your son up to head off into the world but it's a good thing!


  12. The first picture you put up is like several pieces I have . I have an electric perculator , holders for silverware , individiual pieces that holds , forks, spoons etc, a cream & sugar also.
    It's all made by Hall china company and besides the fluer de lis it had a medical symbol on the perculatot. I was told it was made for doctors or pharmacy people for their cooffe bar at work?

    I am putting it in my etsy shop soon as that project is completed?

  13. YES, I am smiling ear to ear! You've got some great treasures there, and congratulations on the move to a bigger space! I just know it will be a knockout. :)
    Sounds like you're quite busy these days, Sandi, and I'm sure Jake's move will be a bit tough on you. At least he won't be far.
    Oh and congrats on winning the Creative Home course - it should be amazing.
    The fall Vintage Fall Market weekend sounds enticing...and I may try to visit the Pettingill Farm market 9/23-9/24. Are you interested?
    Miss you my friend!!!

  14. Sandi,
    Congratulations to your new and improved larger booth space! It will make a wonderful diversion to Jake's move to College! When our son moved off to College, over an hour away, we kept Wednesday evenings for "collect" phone calls! Every Wednesday evening, after supper, he would call and we'd chit chat about his week and the upcoming weekend, when he was coming home next, when our next visit and shopping trip with him would be. That tradition carried on through out his employment and early marriage years. Now that we're a few short (#5 to be exact) miles away, he calls and stops in frequently during the week! I'll be back for the new booth space reveal...and to hear all about Jake's move!

  15. Congrats on a bigger booth space. Wishing your son a good year at college! Thanks for stopping by with your wonderful comment too!


  16. Oh my goodness what a tease you're being. I would love to be able to come shop in your space, you have amazing taste, and a great eye!


  17. Good news that you'll be moving into a larger space and will have more room to display your gorgeous treasures. Congratulations on winning the the Creatively Made e-course...sounds like so much fun!!

  18. Wow...good for you...hope I get to see it soon!

  19. Hi Sandi it will be exciting to see what you do with a bigger space. I too have been pondering a bigger space and a much needed one. I am sure it will take on the same beauty you put into all that you do and create.

    Thank you for your visit and comments always encourage the best from you.


  20. And nobody hunts and gathers better than you dear friend : ) Good luck on your move!!!!
    hugs from here...

  21. Oh I love little white books...so sweet! Congrats on the new space~ it will be fun for you! Thanks so much for stopping by, Sandi!

  22. Sandi and you are a baby doll for encouraging me with your beautiful compliments to my creative arts in paint or sewing.

    sharing last minute crushes on what we have to create when we see so many creative inspiring ideas is the fun of it all.

    See you soon and your larger space when you are all set up !

  23. Great finds! Congrats on your new space! You have such a great eye! You'll do great in your bigger space!

  24. Congrats on the move! Tons more fun! ;o) It's a big moment for you and your son too. Hope everything goes smoothly!


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